Celine Mikaelson is a 500 year old Heretic that has been married to the famous noble, original vampire, Elijah Mikaelson. She knew as soon as she got involved with the Mikaelsons, she'd be apart of every war they had with anyone, what she didn't kn...
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Ariella and I arrived in Mystic Falls, Virginia two days later and it was a small town that looked a bit different since the last time I've been here but I wasn't here for a reason last time. This time, I'm here to get information about why my husband is here and what did Katerina of all people want from him. I knew her history with them, Klaus especially. She escaped him, turned into a vampire and Klaus killed her entire family. From then on, she'd spent her entire life running from him. I'm not mad at Elijah really, well I kind of am because he should've told me why he was coming to Mystic Falls. Making a deal with Katerina isn't worth someone getting bit by a werewolf and dying, and knowing Katerina, she wouldn't make the risk to show up herself, she'd send someone to do her dirty work for her.
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| Celine's Outfit |
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We parked our car outside of the Mystic Grill and walked inside. I looked around by the bar and spotted one of the Salvatore brothers, Stefan. My sister has had a tiny schoolgirl crush on him before, but I'm sure it wore off because when we walked over to him, she didn't say a word. I sat down right next to him.
"2 shots of Tequila please." I ordered as I sat down, and the Bartender nodded.
"There's only one old Heretic that I remember that drinks Tequila. Celine Mikaelson. Elijah's wife." Stefan said, turning to me.
"She's a Mikaelson?" The bartender snarled and looked me up and down.
"Yeah, but Matt she's-" Stefan was about to continue what he said before the boy who I pressume is Matt, slammed down my glass.
"That's bloody rude." I spat at Matt, looking him up and down.
"You need to get the hell out of my town. I don't want anymore of you Mikaelsons here." Matt spat back and I tilted my head, smiling.
"Matt you don't want to-" Stefan tried to warn him but before he could finish, I snapped my fingers and Matt collapsed onto the floor behind the bar.
"Now as you were saying?" I smiled, taking up my drink.