02: Swordbreaker.

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The scene opens up with Henry and Y/N running and they jump onto a train as they slid a bit before they kicked open two windows, and they knocked two PLR Insurgents out as they both grabbed a Glock 17 each and shot the other Insurgents.

Y/N: I'll follow your lead, Henry.

Henry: Got it, on me.

Henry led the way as they both killed two of the PLR Insurgents inside as Y/N grabbed an MP5K off one of the Insurgents and then Henry took an M1014 off a door and they moved in sync, killing two other Insurgents in the train until Henry got into a fight with one of the insurgents as he got his M1014 taken away, but he fired an AKS-74U from the insurgent's back and he kicked him out of the train and they heard the beeping of a bomb.

Y/N: We've got bombs!

They both climb out of the train car as Solomon fired at them with a .44 Magnum revolver as Henry almost fell but Y/N caught him.

Y/N: I've gotcha!

They climb onto the roof as Y/N now had an MP7 after he dropped the MP5K and took it as they killed the insurgents on the windows and got onto a large blast hole on the roof and killed more of the insurgents as when they saw the one holding a remote, Solomon and a rogue CIA Asset, Abyss Trinity, who is apparently is Lilith's father, ambushed them as he points his .44 Magnum at Henry while Trinity held Y/N down with his M9.

Solomon: Are you alone, HUH?!

It fades to black as it then showed both of them sitting in chairs. And are handcuffed. Then it showed Kovic taking their handcuffs off.

Kovic: That better?

Henry & Y/N: (In Unison) Yeah.

Henry: Who are you?

Y/N: Why the fuck are we in detention, huh? You CIA?

Gordon: Good Morning, Blackburns.

Y/N: When are you gonna tell us what's going on?

Gordon: 18 hours ago, I get a call from Homeland Security saying there's two brothers from the Marines in detention I need to talk to. Some terror story about a plot in New York and the two siblings claim that they have information to stop it. Now the best part is, they said it's gonna happen. Today. So here we are, you both look jet-lagged. And by that, I mean both of you look like complete shit. Who are these men? *places two files*

Y/N: That's Solomon.

Henry: That's him, the other's fuckin' Abyss Trinity, one of your assets.

Gordon: And you still believe he's planning an attack here in New York and how Trinity wants Asami back?

Henry: Don't you?

Gordon: Why?

Henry: 'Cause he said so.

Y/N: C'mon, you don't believe us, I might start getting cranky.

Kovic: I read the file. They're trying to save their own asses. They don't know what we wanna know.

Henry: Just hear us out. You wanna bury us after? Go ahead.

Y/N: We don't give a fuck, but don't tell that to fucking Lilith.

Kovic: We don't need to bury the two of you and I don't need to tell it to Sergeant Asami. You're both already dead. They don't know what we wanna know.

Gordon: We're on the clock. I'm pursuing this lead. 

Gordon came to them.

Gordon: What you're gonna do is help us clarify the attack scenario. Your cooperation might get the two of you free from the world of crap you currently inhabit. All the two of you have to do sergeants is fill in the blanks. Are we clear?

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