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As I awaken, the faint glow of a solitary lightbulb contends with the creeping darkness in a room furnished with just the bare necessities. The bulb flickers, feeble yet determined, throwing elongated, trembling shadows against the stark walls. At my bed's end, the silhouettes of Caydon and Aceon stand out, their heads tilted in close conference. They exchange low, pressing murmurs, their tones heavy with a tension so thick it seems to cast its own shadow. The deep lines etched in Caydon's forehead and the animated motions of Aceon's hands reveal the serious nature of their subdued dialogue.

"What happened? Where are we? What's going on?" I ask, sitting up.

"Between the heat on the first floor, and the vast number of bodies, you passed out." Aceon explains. "The soldiers were determined we needed to keep moving, so I picked you up and carried you. A trip to the hospital seemed like a bad idea, with the contract out on your life, so here we are. Where we are... well.... That's his idea." He nods his head in Caydon's direction.

"Where we are, is the backroom at Zezzle's." Caydon offers in way of explanation. "We needed a place to lay low and this was the only place I could think of."

"But there's a bed." I say, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. "A large bed."

Caydon shrugs. "Zardonia sometimes sleeps here. And sometimes she brings men here."

"Are you saying that she and you... that you and she..." Embarrassment flushes my face, and I can't get the words out. Good thing it's rather dark in here.

"I'm a man, aren't I?"

I just stare at him. A strange creature seems to have made its burrow deep within the hollows of my stomach, clawing restlessly at the soft lining. Is this writhing beast jealousy? Yet why should it stir at the thought of any woman entwined with Caydon's life? After all, my heart holds no attachment to him. I climb out of the bed, disgusted at the idea of what Caydon is implying.

"Occasionally I find myself in this area, and when I do, I... pay a visit to this shop."

"The first thing you should learn about Caydon, is not to trust everything he says to you." Says a female voice from the shadows. Her voice, deep and resonant, echoes the richness of seasoned oak. A silhouette emerges under the flickering light of the bulb, its shape shifting fluidly, capturing the breath in invisible snares. Advancing, the light skims her skin, shining like polished onyx, and dances through her hair, dark and inscrutable as the night without stars, with braids that spin intricate stories down her back. She stands, almost as tall as the fickle shadows that play on the ceiling, her presence dominating the room, immense yet seemingly weightless. Every movement she makes is deliberate, revealing a well of strength that lies just beneath her calm exterior.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"The name's Zardonia, from the planet Talfar. And no, I haven't slept with Caydon. I wouldn't do that. He's trouble, and I don't have time for all of that."

"She seems wise." Aceon states in matter-of-fact tone.

"That's because I am. I am too old and too wise for this smooth talker." She walks up to Caydon and runs her hand across the right side of his face, almost lovingly. "My baby sister, Kartonya, on the other hand, fell for him hook, line, and sinker. And when she needed him most, he was gone, like a puff of smoke." She strikes Caydon across the face with her other hand, so hard that he stumbles backward a few steps. "That my dear, was for Kartonya."

Caydon straightens up and rubs his cheek with his right hand. "How is my sweet Toni now?"

"Better now, that's she's finally picked up the pieces and moved on from the likes of you. 'Ya left her high and dry, Caydon."

"I don't..."

"I'm the one she ran crying to. I'm the one that took care of her when she was too depressed to get out of bed. I helped her move out of that dump you left her in, helped her get a job." She takes a deep breath as if to calm herself. "She's married now, great guy, so she doesn't need you making no appearances in her life. Got it?" She asks standing nose to nose with Caydon.

"I won't, I promise." Caydon says, holding his hands up in a weak attempt to put space between himself and Zardonia. "Besides, I'm not like that anymore. I've seen the error of my ways."

"Mhm." Zardonia says.

"He has." I say feeling a need to defend him. "He's helping me to find my brother, who went MIA about three years ago."

"Caydon, helping someone other than himself? Guess there's a first time for everything. Listen, kid, let me give you some advice about Caydon. He's handsome, sure, but he's not the dependable type. He's not the settle down and have a handful of kids type. Mark my words, if Caydon is offering to help you, he has his own hidden agenda."

"If you don't like him, then why did you let him use this room of yours?"

"Because, as much of a backstabbing, homewrecking, psychotic killer, as he is, Kartonya begged me to help him if he ever asked. And I only have one baby sis, so I'm obliged to do what she asks, to a point."

"How old is your sister?" I ask, trying to defuse the situation.

"Oh, probably somewhere about your age, maybe a year or two older. Did you mention something about a missing brother, earlier?"

"Yes, he signed up for the Intergalactic Military Police, about ten years ago. The communications were steady, until about three years ago, when he suddenly quit responding."

"Hm. You might want to check with Darlona on deck five, she works over in the record department. I bet she could help you dig something up. Just tell her Zardonia sent 'ya."

"Thanks for the help." Caydon says.

"I didn't do it for you. I can't stand to see families torn apart. Anyhow, the girl is well, now go on and get up out of here. And remember to stay away from my sister, Caydon. Or I will personally see to it that you can't make another woman happy, you know what I mean?"

"Thanks for your hospitality but we have a missing brother to find." Caydon says, backing away from Zardonia, towards the door. "Ace, Rain, let's go."

"If you ever find yourself needing any more help, you know where to find me." She calls out.

I follow behind, Caydon, stopping at the door he disappeared through. "He really has changed." I say to Zardonia.

"For your sake, I really hope he has." She says, not moving from the spot she was in. 

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