Prologue: Mandalore Yields

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

In a hospital in the Mandalorian of Sundari, a Mandalorian warrior rushes through the hallway as there is screaming heard from afar.

When he enters the room, he sees a woman on a bed and an operating droid carrying a baby in a blanket handing over to the woman.

The Mandalorian removes his helmet and approaches the woman and her baby. He asks the woman, "Is...?"

"It's a boy," the operating droid answered.

The woman asks, "What will you name him?"

The Mandalorian answers, "(Y/N). After your father."

The woman smiles at the answer and says, "Thank you, Cree."

Cree asks his wife, "Can I hold him?"

The woman then gives her baby to her husband. Cree holds his newborn son in his arms and his wife suddenly tells her husband, "Please... promise me one thing, my love."


"Make sure... our son... never... forgets... The Way," With those final words, the woman exhausted and died.

"Allura? Allura!"

The baby then suddenly cries after his mother dies. Cree looks at his son knowing he has to raise him. 

All by himself.

[A Few Years Has Passed]

A young boy runs through the city of Sundari while laughing.

The boy is about five or six years old with dark brown hair.

The boy was being followed by four other kids. A girl with black hair, a boy with black hair, a boy with dark skin, and a boy with brown hair.

The five kids stop by the palace of Mandalore entrance and soon sneak past the guards and into the throne room where a meeting is being hailed between Mandalorian leaders.

"The Clone Wars?" the leader of Clan Saxon questions, "And you wish we stand aside?"

Satine answers, "Yes, we must. We cannot let the Republic believe we are at war with them. Mandalore must remain neutral."

The leader of Clan Rook asks, "But what if the Separatists decide to invade Mandalore? What do we do then?"

"She's right," the leader of Clan Wren says, "Mandalore must be ready to fight."

Soon, all the leaders of each clan start to argue with each other until Staine puts her foot down and yells, "NO! Mandalore must yield!"

"Yield?" Cree asked.

"Yes," Satine answers, "To stay out of this war, we must lay down our arms and enter an age of peace and pacifism."

Cree stands up and shouts, "But this will leave us defenseless! Mandalore will be a target to criminals and rob us of our wealth!" Soon, one by one, the leaders of the clans stood up and took off their helmets. Cree watches in shock. "You all can't be serious," Cree said.

The leader of Clan Viszla says, "It may be the only way for Mandalore to live on. And maybe other systems will join us for neutrality."

"You all are willing to give up on what our ancestors have built?!" Cree asked while shouting and continued to shout, "You will bring the end of Mandalore! Mandalorians are warriors, not pacifists!"

"Guards!" Satine ordered and the guards grabbed Cree by his arms. But Cree struggles to break free. Satine then declares, "Cree Khan of Clan Khan. Since you do not lay down your arms, I hereby banish you to Concordia with any other warriors who refuse to leave our savage way."

Cree glares at Satine to say, "One day, Satine. I will return to Mandalore." The guards pull Cree out of the room, "And it will be the day you regret giving up on The Way!"

The five kids watch as Cree is being taken away.

[At the Dock]

The kids and other citizens of Mandalore watch as Cree and a handful of Mandalorian warriors enter ships and fly away from Mandalore.

The lead boy looks down in sadness at watching his father being banished for being a proud warrior.

The girl placed her hand on his shoulder and asked, "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

"No," the boy revealed to be named (Y/N) responds. He then places his hand on the girl's hand that is on his shoulder and reminds his friends, "My father is being banished... for being a proud warrior."

"I know."

"Pyrah!" A man called the girl. The man revealed to be Pre Viszla tells the girl, "It's time to go home."

"Of course, Father," the girl revealed to be named Pyrah said to her father.

Pre Viszla then looks at (Y/N) and says, "I'm sorry about your father. He was a proud warrior and a dear friend. He would be ashamed to see his son sad for him."

As the duchess leaves the docks, (Y/N) stares at her glaringly. 

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