Episode 9 ig.

420 7 3

Aiden: When Riya wasn't eliminated, I fell to my knees.

Aiden: Why must the world do this to me?

Riya: Stop being such a big baby, you're literally an adult..

Aiden: And you've grown out of your prime!!

Riya: I don't understand your issue with me.

Aiden: I want you to rethink this sentence.

Gabby: ??

Tom: Why

Tom: WHY.

Gabby: It's just a game 🤷‍♀️

Ally: So...who'd you guys vote out?


Yul: It was. ☠️

Tess: I was eliminated.

Ally: what.

Ally: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Ally: WHY

Ally: WHY

Ally: WHY

Ally: WHY

Ally: WHY

Yul: shut the FUCK UP.


Yul: Finally.

Jake: Why Tess?

Ashley: What Jake said..

Aiden: Hmm, idk, GABBY.

Gabby: What?

Gabby: Nothing personal..

Ellie: Wait, you eliminated Tess?

Gabby: ..

Gabby: Yeah..!

Ellie: Though she's not the worst, good job <3

Gabby: <3

James: You guys should've voted Riya...

Lake: Yeah

Riya: At least my team hadn't booted me first..

James: Okay, runner up.. ☠️

-Guess whose DM's guys!!-

Tom: Jake

Tom: Jake


Jake: what

Tom: Could we meet up at the forest

Tom: Please?



Jake: ..

Tom: so..?

-This user cannot be messaged-

Tom: oh ffs.

-In the DCAS gc-

Grett: So, what do you think the next challenge will be?

Yul: Shut up

Grett: what??

Riya: Yul, actually jump

Yul: sorry, who are you?

Riya: I could buy you

Yul: with what?? you don't even get credits for movies you act in, shut up about buying me.

Riya: I'll have you know that I got more recognition after season 2.

Yul: And I'll have you know that the only reason you're popular is because people are desperate for female villains

Yul: I can't even tell if you're female or just a glob..

Riya: Meet me outside the tent rn.

Yul: Why? So I can kick you ass?

Riya: We'll see..

-2 users have gone offline-

Grett: Oh god.

-1 user has gone on DND-

Ellie: "Swish! Nothing but net."


Ellie: "Buckets!!"

Jake: Eat shit. 😐

Ellie: How did you guys say this with no embarrassment.

Jake: Adrenaline

Ellie: From a basket?

Alec: Anything can happen with $3 million..

Alec: You wouldn't know anything about money.

Ellie: Look who's talking, drunkie..

Ellie: You said helping your son get glass out of his foot was less important than reading

Gabby: WHAT?!

Alec: Die.


hey guys :3

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