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Y/n's Pov

What's going on? Where am I? Why am I hooked up to so many wires? It stings as I pull them out of my arms. I try to sit up and wrap my mind about what happened. I was about to fight Bakugo and then..? I looked down and noticed the clothes I had on were slightly burned and I hear a few footsteps. I do my best to hoist my body upwards and fling myself off the bed. I wonder who's there. When I push open the curtains, I see Midoriya with a water bottle in his hand. I look around the room to see Bakugou, Todoroki and the spikey red headed boy from before.

"M-midoriya?" I say trying to keep myself up. He drops his water bottle and looks at me with such relief and shock. He rushes over to me and puts his hand on my waist to help steady me. I can feel his warm hands against my skin. I see him turn a shade of red as I feel my cheeks heating up a bit.

"Y/n?! You're awake! We were all so worried about you." He tells me.

"Feels like deja-vu" I let out a small chuckle, "I'm sorry I've been worrying everybody so much. I don't mean to be a burden on you guys, but what exactly happened? The last thing I remember was getting ready to fight Bakugo."

"Well, you were about to fight Kacchan but after a minuet you passed out. You dodged his first attack, but he accidentally burned a part of your shirt with the second one. Kacchan caught you and I carried you to the nurse's office...she told us you were severely malnourished and dehydrated." He looks up at me and gives me a small smile, "But I'm really glad you're okay now." I give a small smile back but a few thoughts are racing through my head. If everybody saw me like this that means they saw my bruises. I let out a cough and hear the other boys shuffling around in their seats when Bakugo lets out a loud groan.

"What the hell is going on?!" Bakugo mutters while taking a second to open his eyes.

"K-kacchan! Y/n's awake!" Midoriya says with a smile.

"What'd you say you damn nerd!?" He sits up and aggressively rubs his eyes before looking in our direction causing Todoroki and Kirishima to also wake up looking towards us.

"G-guys, look y/n's feeling better!" Midoriya slightly moves to make my body more visible, his hands still softly placed on my waist and the blush still visible on our cheeks. It takes everybody a minuet to wakeup but when they see me they all come over to Midoriya and I. Everyone is pretty quiet, it looks like each of them wants to say something but don't know how.

"Y/n, your quirk. You can make people see things can't you, more like make people see memories. Your memories." I tense up a bit at Bakugo's sudden question.

"U-um yeah actually, that's one of my quirks. I can touch a person and show them any of my memories, I can go back as far as I remember or show them something that happened a few minutes ago. How did you know?" He doesn't look me in the eyes and was talking in a stern voice.

"Before you passed out you grabbed onto me an-" He was interrupted when a small older lady with a white coat on walked into the room and started scolding everyone.

"Why is she standing?! I'm so glad to see she's awake but I told you all to wait to ask your questions until she feels better!" She walks up to me with a smile while shooing away the other boys except for Midoriya who was keeping me from falling over.  "I need to make sure everything is okay with y/n before she leaves. You guys can come back and escort her to the dorms when I'm finished." The women tells us while grabbing a clipboard. Midoriya gently turns me around removing one hand from my waist and placing it onto my lower back while helping me back up onto the bed.

"Thank you Midoriya." I say sweetly as the other boys started walking out the door. He was about to turn around when for some reason I just grab onto his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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