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Klaus smiled as Caroline made waffles, max stumbled In, In a racer outfit..  "nice" Stefan said handing her a waffle "will your parents be joining?" Elijah asked "I'm an orphan" sje said "oh pardon me" Elijah said she waved a hand to yell him not to worry..
Soon enough pheobe, came down the stairs in a riding outfit "looking good phebs" damon said.. "your morning are chaotic" Rebekah said "were a family what can we say" damon placed a kiss to Elena.. "and your family now, courtesy of phebs" Stefan said handing her waffles "phebs your hair" max said "I don't know what to do with it" she said "I can braid it for you, I'd you like?" Rabeckah said and pheobe agreed..

We all sat down to watch pheobe ride, as she readied on spirit.. damon spotted a witch in the crowd, klaus looked around for Caroline.. pheobe was a trybird. Everyone was after her,  her life was in risk.
Pheobe lined up and the bullet was shot... the horses ran.. spirit quickly taking the lead.. they fished first as the crowd roared..
Pheobe collected her trophy and walked up to us.. "fake it till ya make it" damon said
"Hi baby!! Oh you did so good!!" Caroline said acting as noting was wrong
Theu all congratulated pheobe as they walked over to the stables... Phoebe started coughing "phebs wre you Allright?" Abby said yeah yeah she said as she collapsed I caught her just in time her nose bleeding.. her blood was turning black Stefan, damon, Elijah Rebekah, Bonnie, and Elena went after the witch while klaus, Abby, and Caroline.. took her to the car "wait!" Abby called out "Mrs Forbes, aron" Abby said and Caroline noded Abby ran and later came with the same boy, he looked worried
"Is she going to be ok" Abby said
"No she's dying, we need Bonnie!" Caroline cried.. Klaus drived faster.
"Wait I can help" araon said grabbing her hand he chanted a spell taking some of the poison out of her body.. pheobe  let out a big breath "aron whatever your doing it's working!" Abby said as klaus pulled into the driveway... "can't do it for long!" Aron said thru breaths, as they layed pheobe down on the couch.. Bonnie entered through the door "we need to trap it!"  She let out
"Aron can you keep doing this" Caroline said as Bonnie got a necklace and took the posing from aron and transferred it into the necklace. Finally after a minute or so pheobe woke up
"Phebs your ok!!" Abby called out and gave her a hug "aron totally saved you!" She whooped and pheobe gave him a smile "I beat you to first place" she smiled
"Yep, you did, phebs" he smiled at her klaus scowled
"Thank you" she said catching her breath Caroline gave her a hug.

After pheobe went up to her room..
Bonnie began explaining
"This thing that the witch did, it obviously stained her the necklace won't be able to hold it" she said "but the witch us dead, I pulled of her head" Rebekah shouts "dear rebackah a curse lives until the person holding it is destroyed" Elijah explained
"I can split it" Bonnie says
"I can put one part of it, into each of you, bit the curse would still be attached to pheobe, meaning..." She stopped
"We will to go far away from eachother" klaus finshed and Bonnie nodded
"I'll go, you lot obviously cant"  He said pointing to the group "but she needs her dad, we should go" Elena said and Stefan agreed "no nik is right, you are the ones who brought her up, it would be wrong for us ro snatch it away"  rebeckah Said,

Bonnie fonshed the spell we packed our bags I gave Caroline a hug "your leaving again huh?" She said to klaus,
Right then pheobe came home
"What's happening?" She asked everyones blood started to turn black, "goodbye pheobe" Elijah said, vamping away.
"What where did uncle elijah go?"  She screamed "your hairs really nice" rebeckah went to give her a hug, but it was stopped, by Bonnie "you cant" she said "she is my aunt I think  she can" pheobe tried to step towards her but rebeckah vamped away before she could. "Ok seriously what is happening??" She said again looking around her eyes land on me "pheobe I need you to know that I love you, I love you so so much"  klaus said his eyes tearing up.. "dad wait!!" She yelled as klaus vamped away
"Dad!!!!" She called out, "dad" she screamed, Caroline holding her down to stop her from running after him "dad please" she called out one last time before klaus went out of ear shot, tears welling in his eyes...

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