chapter 3

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Marcus was running. It was dark, and he was being pursued by some men. He tried to call, but the network was busy. He ran to a club to confuse the people after him and then boarded a bus from the back door. He tried calling again, and this time, the call was picked up.


"Hello," Marcus said desperately.

"We are receiving a lot of calls. Please call again."

"Hello, it's important. There will be a plane crash. Flight B357 leaving for Morocco tonight," he said desperately, breathing heavily. The phone call cut, and as he looked at the screen, it showed some green-colored coding. He threw his phone out of the window in panic and fear .

In Seoul, Juni was ready to board the plane with his friends and trainers, whose families were present to send them off happily. He recorded a voice note for his uncle, "If you miss me, see,  iCloud, I will upload some videos there. I am boarding the plane." Saying that, he boarded the plane.

In Portugal, Marcus was running, and now it was raining too . He ran to a phone booth and called INCHEON airport. His phone was picked up by a lady.

"Plane crash, flight B357, don't board," he said desperately when three people from behind caught him, kicked him, and put the phone back.

The lady called to stop the flight, but suddenly the fire alarms blasted, and everyone started running. She called her senior to inform, but she was bumped by someone who put something on her neck, causing her to have seizures and she  collapse on the floor.

The hyper-excited children sat on the flight, making noise. Juni bumped into a man with black clothes, and his phone fell flat. The man picked up his phone and gave it to him.

"What's with the children?" one pilot asked.

"They are going as delegates," the other one chuckled.

"Then we have to perform well today," the first one said.

The other's phone rang, and he picked up the call.

"Hello, honey," he said in Spanish.

"Don't worry, he doesn't understand what we are talking about," he said, looking at the other pilot with an unknown expression who was getting the engine ready to fly.

In Portugal, a petite male was getting Marcus drunk inside a car in an abandoned place . It was raining hard outside . He was wearing a  black cloak; only his cupid lips could be seen. He then held Marcus' hand on the revolver and shot him, framing it as a suicide . Marcus died on the spot.

The next morning, Jungkook was walking out of Tangier port, Morocco, when his colleague called him.

The next morning, Jungkook was walking out of Tangier port, Morocco, when his colleague called him

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"Jungkook-shi, what a coincidence," he asked.

"What brings you here?" Jungkook asked.

"Just a friend  is coming from Spain , came to pick him up," he informed.

"Have you heard, our head got arrested; he was peddling drugs to korea ," the boy informed.

"What??? , he gasped dramatically .

"Oh, it's bad, no wonder his eyes looked a bit drowsy," he said.

"I bet someone from inside informed," he added

"Well . Do you have any idea who is the whistleblower?" he asked, squinting his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" the boy asked, thinking Jungkook is doubting him.

"What about my eyes, aren't they beautiful?" he asked.

"Yes, they are," the boy replied.

"Okay then, I am leaving," saying that Jungkook started heading forward.

"What was your business in Portugal?" the boy asked suspeciously ,Jungkook stopped and looked back.

"I noticed you making phone calls secretly in the office. Is there something in Portugal??? He asked raising doubts .

Jungkook just looked at him not saying anything .

"like a boyfriend?" he added.

"What's wrong with men," Jungkook gritted his teeth in anger suddenly .

"W..What?" The boy asked startled by sudden outburts

How can they cheat on a pretty boy like me?" he said angrily.

"He looked fine, but he was a lunatic," he said, getting more agitated.

"If only I had a gun, I would have shot him in the head before coming back," he said angrily. "Well, leave it," he said and started moving to his home.

"Jungkook-shi, there are many good men too, look around," the boy shouted from behind.

While jungkook went out of the port wearing his sunglasses .

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This story is draining to be honest .

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