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It was dark.. Everything was dark.. But what is this? I can't see anything.. Someone help me.. Please.. Someone?!.. Please.. Help.. I can't see..

" Y/n?! Y/n! What happened to you? Come on let's go! There's a garden full of sunflowers nearby.. Maybe you'll finally find the love of your life there! "

" What?.. I don't want to.. I'm just 27, leave me alone brother! " Spoke Y/n.

" Excuse you?! I'm your brother! Isagi Yoichi, I'm supposed to be the matchmaker of your relationship! Duh. " Said, Isagi Yoichi.



Her brother's voice rings in her head, the mind telling him to shut up. But she spoke up, " Nuh uh?! I'm still young, what about you! You're 29, almost 30! Get married already, old man?! " She spoke harshly to her brother, she was daydreaming about something or someone she knows but can't recall. Isagi Yoichi, her brother still refusing her choices drags her to visit the garden. As expected, it was beautiful, the sunflowers looked fresh, almost as if it blooms gracefully everyday.

' Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought.. It would be lovely to find the love of my life her-

She got cut off from daydreaming as someone spoke, a familiar voice that is. " Oh! Yoichi, nice to meet you here, isn't it? And look who's here.. Isagi Yoichi's sister? " The man grins at her, though he was attractive, he looked like a bad man in her brother's eyes. But who knows, he might be the love of her life.

" Kaiser?.. What the hell are you doing here? " Her brother spoke, with a hint of anger and annoyance in his voice. Though she was confused, she still looked to the strange man and he gave her a smile. " Hello my lady, the name's Michael Kaiser. Remember that name. What about yours? Darling. " The man known as Michael Kaiser spoke, she blushed slightly of him calling her darling. " Y/n Yoichi, that's my name. Nice to meet you. " She spoke, then she looked at her brother who's face was fuming in anger.. She whispered to him, ' Chill brother.. What's he to you? Enemies to Lovers trope or what? " She giggled having that thought.

" Tsk! Kaiser don't you dare call my sister that. Get out if you have no business here. " He snickered, clearly his face was an angry tomato. Then, the man known as Kaiser spoke. " Oh please, I'll be stealing your beautiful sister from you! Well then goodbye mate! " He ran off, with you on his arms ofcourse. He clearly was kidnapping you but oh.. The poor girl was daydreaming not minding the reality at all.. Until she spoke, " What the hell?! Where are you taking me? And where's my brother! " She shouted, obviously flustered about the fact that he is carrying her but still angry.

" Haha, calm down mein leiben.. I'll be truthful right now, the first time I saw you.. I felt like I found my love, the love of my love. My heartbeat fastened when I saw you, but I've been wanting to ask you.. Do you feel the same? " The man known as Michael Kaiser spoke, his voice was full of seriousness. Y/n couldn't stop but feel the same.. But she thought for a while, to answer his question.. Then she spoke.

" I do get the same feeling when I see or look at you.. But let's not do anything now okay? Let's get to know eachother first.. I don't like those fast relationships you know.. " She spoke, looking at the man's eyes. " That's great! And ofcourse as a gentleman, I'll respect your choices, so let this be a slow burn for now. " Kaiser grinned, looking as happy as ever.. But then they heard a voice, shouting. " MICHAEL KAISER, WHEREVER YOU ARE, I'M GONNA MURDER YOU WHEN I FIND YOU. "

Y/n giggled while Kaiser laughed, " Let's runaway from your brother, mein leiben. " Y/n happily nodded, yet feeling sorry for her brother. But she found the love of her life even if it's her brother's enemy. He'll be happy for me though, right? She laughed at that thought, craving into the man's arms..




Word count : 706

Well then, see you next time readers!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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