Epigraph or Where It All Began

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There is a legend about Orpheus who made a deal with the devil to bring back his love from the realm of the dead. 

Blinded by despair, the man descended into the Underworld and knelt before Hades. 

The King of Hell agreed to release the unfortunate soul along with him, but on one condition.

During their return, Orpheus must sing and not look back until he crosses the boundary of the living. 

However, in the final moment, the man could not contain his curiosity and looked back, longing to see his beloved's face. 

Since then, those who enter the world of the dead are called kalliepē, and later simply - nightingales. Human voices seemed to echo Orpheus's last scream before he lost his beloved and went mad. 

In the end, death always claims its own. 

And only a few can deceive it.

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