The Life - Poem 4 - Chapter 1

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You used me.
I had nothing to give
And you took even those nothings.

You did it perfectly,
In a way that gave me the impression,
That you were helping me.
You robbed a kid of his happiness.

Yeah, a kid.
Because I've never had the time for being one;
I've always had to be mature,
Even from young age.

But now,
I'm just a lonely soul that is trying to heal,
From the broken pieces of my heart that you left,
While runnin' away from me.

You took something human from me:
My childish little boy.

What am I gonna say to my mother?
How is she going to react?
When she will know that his little boy,
Is crawling on the floor because of you.

"Mama, that's the one" that's what I said.
And you were truly the one,
But not the one with who I'll marry myself;
The one that broke every piece of my soul.

But you were like I was the monster,
When I was only trying to love you.

I give you the permission,
To call me selfish.

But I'm gonna heal from you,
I'm gonna forget you;
I'm going to protect this child that's in me,
From people who are monsters like you.

I'll remember you,
Like the one who killed a child.
My child.
My young but old inner child.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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