First Day at Forks High School

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Athena's POV 

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Athena's POV 

I rode with Jasper to school on his bike and we pull in and I walk over to Alice, Rose, Emmett, and Zach while holding Jasper's hand and both Alice and I zone out indicating a vision. "Athena love what do you see." I hear Jasper ask I look at Alice and we knew trouble was coming and I notice Edward looking at us and I almost shrink back into Jasper at the look he is giving me. I hear Jasper growl low in warning at Edward. Alice and I speak "Looks like possible trouble is coming." I speak "Yeah Edwards Singer is here. And she may get suspicious of us unless Edward avoids her." Alice adds the family all sigh and I have a feeling Edward will do the opposite of avoiding her. "What's her name Athena?" Edward asks me and I just look at him and I make eye contact with Alice and then Rose and they shake their heads no at me and I nod knowing not to say anything. "I am sure you will find out eventually as the day goes on. And I'd appreciate it if you'd quit giving me death glares. Unless you want the Major to come out and take care of you." I speak and Jasper pulls me close to him protectively and lets a warning snarl and Edward backs off. "Apologize to Athena now. You're looks are uncalled for. I am sure Esme and Carlisle would love to talk to you about it." Jasper and Rose speaks up "I apologize Athena. I am just in a bad mood today." Edward apologizes and I nod in acknowledgement and we walk to the building and I hold Jasper's hand and kisses his cheek.

As we walk in I hear a loud truck. I turn to look and I sigh. "What's wrong?" My big brother Emmett asks I point at the truck and all but Edward turns around "That her?" Zach asks and both Alice and I nod "We should have a talk with Edward when we get home.With everyone there." Jasper speaks "Since she's his blood singer. I am more worried about him exposing us by attacking her and the whole school because I can smell her from across the lot." I speak in murmurs where only the family hears me and they look at me in worried expressions as they notice my eyes darken a bit and Jasper holds me close and I breathe his scent in as we walk to history class. "I got you my love just focus on me." Jasper speaks kissing me before other students and the teacher walks in and I smile and kiss back "I love you." I tell him "I love you mi amor." He tells me and holds my hand under the table as Alice and Zach smile back at us and I smile back at him before laying my head on his shoulder the teacher walks in and starts talking on the civil war and I listen even though I know it as my husband and mate fought in it although it interests me greatly as it does Jasper and I see him looking at me with a smile knowing how much I love history. 

"You all will be working on a project. You will be both writing a paper on the civil war, and also making a poster with key events that have happened in the Civil war. This project will be due in two weeks. You can choose your partners you can have up to four in your group." The teacher speaks and I automatically choose Jasper, Alice and Zach as my partners as to not have any human interaction. "I see you all chose your group already." The teacher speaks to me "Yes sir we did." I answer him forcefully and he nods and walks away Jasper rubs my lower back as I keep my thirst under control as to not bother him with it. 

*skip to lunch*

We round the corner of the building and to the cafeteria and I hear the students talking and I hear the new girl already. "Who are they?" She asks as Rose and Emmett walk in "They're Dr and Mrs.Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska like a few years ago or something. The blonde haired girl that's Rosalie and the big darked hair boy is Emmett he's the older biological brother of Athena Cullen as well but He and Rosalie are like a thing. I am not sure that's even legal." Jessica explains and I get a little angry but Jasper sends calming waves. "Jess they're not actually related." Angela says I smile "But they live together it's weird. The little dark haired girl is Alice she's really weird she's with Zachary the brown haired one he's really quiet. Then that's Athena Cullen little sister of Emmett she's also really quiet and only speaks to those whom are in her family but she's really gorgeous she's with Jasper the blonde one looks like he's in pain. Dr.Cullen is like this foster dad slash match maker." Jessica continues and I roll my eyes in annoyance but smile hearing Angela as she's one of the humans I actually can stand she's sweet and innocent "Maybe he's adopt me." Angela speaks "I wouldn't mind adding Angela to the family." I speak lowly "I like her she's sweet and innocent although I wouldn't wish this life on her. I just think she'd make another great sister. Shame she's not Edwards true mate I think she and I would get a long unlike Jessica I don't like her." I continue and my family smiles 

"Who's he?" Bella asks  "That's Edward Cullen. Totally gorgeous obviously but apparently no body here is good enough for him." Jessica says and I smirk remembering all the times Edward rejected her and Jessica continues "Like I care." She adds "She totally cares." I speak as Edward sits down. "Don't waste your times." Jessica adds Bella looks over at our table and I somewhat glare at her "Wasn't planning on it." Bella speaks I hear Edward's groan of annoyance "What's wrong?" I ask him "I can't read her?" He tells me "What do you mean?" I ask "I can't read her mind." He answers I raise an eyebrow "Maybe she's a shield of some sort?" I suggest and he nods and she continues looking over here "She's so gonna try to get with you." I tell him 

The bell rings and Jasper, Edward and I make our way to Biology and we take our seats and we hear Mike but ignore him and I notice Edward's uneasy attitude and I tense as the teacher sits her by him and I glance at Jasper in worry and sigh and my throat starts to burn a little bit but I control it as I grab onto Jasper. He kisses my cheek and helps keep me calm I whisper lowly to where only he can hear "She smells good. And I haven't been tempted by human blood like this." He looks at me "I know it's getting to me a little bit too."  He speaks "I'm sorry my thirst must be bothering you love." I apologize "Don't apologize love it's to be expected we have a new scent to get used to." He speaks and Edwards looks back and as the bell rings all four of us bolt out of there and make our way to the office and we try getting our class changed and I sense Bella walk in and I tense and the secretary tells us all other classes are full. "Guess we will have to just endure it." Edward speaks and we make a quick escape out of the office. "I need to hunt like as soon as we get home.Before we have a family meeting" I speak and they nod  

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