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Athena's POV

I am reading a book with Jasper before we have to get ready for school. I have a feeling something bad will happen today and I don't know what but I don't like the feeling I am getting. "Darling what's on your mind?" Jasper asks 

"I just have a feeling something bad will happen today. I don't know what but I don't like the feeling I am getting." I tell him looking up at him "Bad as in something to do with Bella Swan?" He asks I nod "Yes and I have seen she's accident prone and a danger magnet so."I say 

"Let's not worry about it til it comes love." He says placing a kiss on my forehead I smile "Alright." I say "I suppose we should get up and get ready for school seeing as it's 6 in the morning already." He say I sigh not in the mood to go today. "I don't feel like going but I guess." I say He chuckles "I will be there with you along with the rest of us." He says peppering kisses on my face I giggle happily

I kiss him lovingly before getting up to pick out my outfit for the day. He kisses me back grabbing my ass squeezing it gently. "Have I told you how sexy you look in leather and especially on the back of my bike in it?" He asks kissing me again

 "Have I told you how sexy you look in leather and especially on the back of my bike in it?" He asks kissing me again

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I kiss him back "You may have mentioned it a few times." I tell him smirking kissing his cheek He grabs my bag for me and we head downstairs and we wait for everyone else. "Where's Edward at?" I ask no one in particular "He left already." Rosalie says 

"Oh?" I ask tilting my head "He's hoping to see Bella if she's there early." Zach says I just roll my eyes my annoyance rises. "I thought he was supposed to be avoiding her and I don't think stalking her is avoiding her. He's being a creep." I say Jasper rubs my back "Calm down love dove." He says I calm just at his touch and voice. 

I smile up at him. "Let's go I suppose." I sigh "Girls in my car boys in the Jeep." Rosalie says I nod and kiss Jasper before he gets in the jeep and I take the passenger seat by Rose as the boys follow us "Hey Alice I could use a shopping trip soon." I tell her 

Alice smile Rosalie however raises an eyebrow at me knowing I don't mind shopping but also not a fan of it either and I typically shop when I am stressed. 

"What's wrong sis? You usually shop when you're stressed or something. I mean you don't mind shopping but you're not a fan of it either." Rose says and Alice agrees "I agree." Alice says

"I am stressed. I stress that this whole Edward and Bella situation is going to escalate to him not listening to us, and he's going to do the opposite of avoiding her. I also have a feeling she will find out what we are. I also have had a feeling all night and morning something bad is going to happen involving Edward and Bella today." I talk to both my sisters "Did you see something?" Alice asks I shake my head no 

"No. And that's the thing but it's just a feeling. And I have already seen how accident prone and a danger magnet Bella is. She will just bring danger to our family if she gets involved with out family. I don't want to have to move. I actually like it here we can be out in the day time without the risk of exposing ourselves." I rant 

"Yeah I like it here to." Rose says as we pull into the school Jasper gets out of the jeep and opens my door for me before I can open it and takes my bag for me again

I see Edward watching and looking at Bella I scowl. "Edward knock it off. You're being a creep. And making her more suspicious of us then she already is." I say as Jasper holds a umbrella over my head standing close to me I glares at me and I glare right back Jasper however snarls at him.

I go to speaking at Jasper but catch Bella staring at us and I sigh in annoyance. "She's really annoying with all her damn stares." I voice to no one in particular "Are you sure you're not just jealous?" Edward asks I snort "Jealous of what. A human that would be seen as food to us? Why would I be jealous of her? Nothing worth being jealous over." I state laying my head on Jasper's chest 

"Maybe you're jealous because she's prettier than you or has interest in me." Edward taunts  I turn I go to speak but Jasper beats me to it He lets out a laugh "There is no way Bella would ever be prettier than my Athena. And Athena has told you she doesn't want you many times. Bella would never compare to Athena." He tells Edward 

We suddenly hear a screech and we all look in questioning and see Tyler's van has hit black ice and lose control and head straight to Bella and I tense but see Edward start to take off. "Edward do-"I start but he takes off and pushes the van away from Bella before it hits her

Rose, Jasper, and I are angry whereas Emmett, Alice and Zach aren't happy either. I rant angrily in a tone where only we can hear "Are you fucking kidding me? At least 15 kids saw what just happened. Now he's just almost if not did expose us. Now this will further make Bella suspicious." I rant 

Jasper rubs my shoulders gently. "We should leave." Alice says we get in our cars Me, Rose and Jasper in hers where as Alice, Emmett and Zach in the jeep. Rose and I so angry and pissed we're silent Jasper places a comforting hand on my shoulder I place my hand on top of his while us three go to the hospital and the others go home to explain to Esme what happened. 

We get to the hospital and walk in I look at Jasper "You don't have to go in if you don't want to love." I tell him "I'll be fine you keep me calm." He says in a tone saying he's not at all happy with Edward 

Rosalie's POV

"How dare you Edward?" I ask him as the three of us walk up to him Carlisle beside us "At least 15 kids saw what you did today." I add on 

"What did you expect me to do just let her die?"Edward asks "This isn't just about you Edward." Athena starts "It's about all of us." I finish for her "Do you realize the potential danger you put us in because of your damn actions today?" Jasper asks 

Edward goes to speak but Carlisle interrupts him "I think we should take this in my office." He says and we all see Bella eavesdropping Athena gives her famous death glare and I just glare at her. 

"Can I talk to you a minute?" She asks Edward He starts over "Don't" Athena says grabbing his arm and he harshly pushes her off "Hey!" Jasper starts but we just walk off to Carlisle's office

Athena's POV

"What are we going to do?" I ask Carlisle as we enter his office "Did anyone see what happen?" He asks "I knew something bad was going to happen today just didn't expect this." I say "What do you mean?" Carlisle asks "She told us she felt like something bad was going to happen today pertaining Bella and Edward but she hasn't had a vision of it." Jasper says placing a comforting arm on my shoulders 

He nods "We can have this discussion at home later when I get home. So just go home an wait for me." Carlisle says and I nod and we leave and go home

The car ride is silent and neither of us are exactly happy with what happened. Jasper gets out and opens my door for me as we stop and takes my hand in his and we walk into the house and sit on the couch waiting for Carlisle and Edward both.

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