Finally? Is it time?

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Today was the day to visit my father. I was a bit nervous, considering that my mom backed out on me last night and said that I have to face it alone. She was paranoid about it anyway. I stepped into the lobby of the prison, and two police officers in dark blue uniforms shook my hand. "Miss Kacey Greene. We were expecting you. You will be escorted to your father in a few moments." I smiled at them and sat down in the lobby. It was quite empty. Only two other people sat there. A woman in a dark brown blouse carrying something that looked like an old photo album, and a boy around my age. He looked up at me when I realized I was staring at him. "A little nosy aren't you?" He wondered. I shook my head. "Just wondering why a boy my age is sitting in a prison lobby. Are you waiting to be placed in a cell?" The boy laughed and continued to walk over. "Nah. I'm just here to visit my father. Arrested for stealing a car in Francisco last summer." I smiled at him and checked the clock. Why weren't they calling me? "Who are you here for?" He asked. I sighed. "I thought you'd never ask. My father. Arrested for a lot of money problems." The boy smiled and took a seat next to me. "Darren. Nice to meet you…" He trailed off waiting for my name. "Kacey. Kacey Greene." Darren smiled and then pointed a finger at me. "Ohhh. I know you. Well, I don't know you but I'm familiar with who your dad is." I smiled and looked up at the clock again. The ticking was getting louder and my anxiety was rising. "Look, this might seem strange. Meeting a boy your age at the prison lobby, but would it be okay if I asked for your number? Maybe we could talk about our dad issues." I smiled at him. "Only if you aren't weird about it." He chuckled, his dark brown hair swaying. "Hey. I'm going through the same thing as you. Difficult mother, imprisoned father, what else is new?" I looked at him. It was like he was speaking my language. If that language was based around someone like me. He took out a piece of small crumpled paper, and using a pen I found on the chair next to me and scribbled out my number. "Kacey Greene? Carter Greene is ready for you now." I waved goodbye to Darren, and followed the prison warden.
We walked past other cells just to make it to the phone booths. The prison warden probably shushed me a few times for walking too loud. I tried not to make any eye contact with any cell mates that were probably glaring at me as I walked past. Forty security guards were stranded at each sector. I started to think how crazy it was that between me and the prison guard, was just a rusty metal bar that could snap at any second. Once we made it to the phone booths, I spotted my dad right away. He was sitting on the far left, which took a while to walk to. I noticed right away his clothes were different. He was wearing a bright orange jumpsuit, the kind you would see in the movies, and his hair was cut in a short haircut past his ears. There was no sight of even a monocle on his left eye, and hs attitude was edgy. As I nervously sat down, I picked up the phone.
"Um… hi dad."

My dad instantly realized I had spoken something as he picked up the phone. "Kacey? Is that you?" I guess he didn't recognize me. I mean I was in my Trinity Prep uniform. "How are you doing?" He asked. In that moment, I didn't know what to say. He was sitting there, waiting for me to answer, but my lips couldn't move. Seeing him like this, imprisoned, wearing that stupid bright orange jail suit. His face didn't even look right. He was white as snow, and had droopy bags under his normally gray-blue eyes. He looked thinner than before, and he seemed to be sick. I backed up the chair until it couldn't move anymore. "I'm g-g-good." I stammered. I never stammer. This was the first time it had come out, and it was NOT a good feeling. "Is mom taking care of you okay?" He asked. I nodded, and then realized I was still nodding, and sat up in my seat. My hand was quivering as I held the faded orangy phone close to my ear. This was not how I expected this to go over. "Seems to me that you seem a lot more anxious than I last saw you. Let me ask you again. Is she taking care of you okay?" I nodded once again, and smiled with it. "Yes. I'm nervous because… I hate prisons." Once I said it, I covered my mouth with my other hand. But my dad didn't even frown. Instead he tossed his head back and chuckled. "Oh, that's my girl. Just messing with her dad." I nodded and played my best fake smile. I needed to leave right away. I thought I was going to be sick.I looked around frantically for a security guard that could escort me out, but all of them were huddled by the drinking fountains. I felt trapped even though I wasn't even in a cell. But my dad continued talking. My hands were shaking more than before now, the phone sliding out of them because of the cold sweat. Before my dad could even say goodbye, I was gone.

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