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Marinette was staring at the pile of paper in front of her when it happened, a sharp, sudden pain in her head. Marinette groaned and placed her head in her hands. The class went quiet, Lila scowling at the sudden interruption.

"You okay, girl?" Asked Alya, frowning at Marinette.

Marinette gave a small nod and waved everyone off. Lila continued with her story, but some of the class were still looking back at her. Marinette's vision went blurry, making Marinette rub her eyes, which only increased the pain in her skull. Marinette's neck was stiff, as if Marinette had slept on it wrong. Marinette let out a small huff, getting the attention of the class again. Ms. Bustier finally clocking that something was wrong.

"Marinette?" Asked Ms. Bustier, concerned, "Is everything alright?"

Marinette sluggishly turned her head to face the teacher.

"Wha-" Said Marinette, her left eyelid drooping. Marinette suddenly gagged and threw up on the desk in front of her, before swaying slightly and collapsing, losing consciousness as she fell. Lila's eyes gleamed with delight.

Adrien swore, quickly rushing to her side, while Ms. Bustier called for an ambulance. Adrien tilted her head around, trying to see if she had hit her head in the fall.

"What's going on?" Cried Rose, as Marinette started jerking.

"She's having a seizure, by the looks of it." Said Max, everyone oblivious to Lila scowling.

"Are you sure she isn't faking?" Questioned Lila, getting incredulous looks from the class, "She could just be doing this to get attention from Adrien."

Nino shook his head, "No, if she was faking, I don't think she'd hurl, especially since she hates throwing up."

Lila frowned, "But she said-"

"What did she say?" Demanded Alix, glaring down at Lila.

"W-well," Lila started lying, "she said that I was to stay away from Adrien, since he was hers and-"

"Lila will you please, shut up." Growled Adrien, giving the Italian a fierce glare, "Can you stop lying for five minutes, at least so we can help her?"

Everyone was silent, Adrien was usually quiet, the silence remained until the Paramedics arrived and carted Marinette away, only questioning Ms. Bustier regarding the symptoms Marinette showed before her collapse.

One spoke into a walkie-talkie, "15-year-old female, Asian-Caucasian ethnicity, possible stroke."

The class remained silent as they left with Marinette. Everyone was silent, until Alya quietly looked up what it was and dropped her phone when she saw the result. Everyone jumped as Alya started crying, the bespectacled girl not being one to cry openly.

"What! Alya, what's wrong?" Asked Nino, frantically.

"What wrong is that there is a chance Marinette's going to die." Said Adrien, plainly, leaning back in his seat, "And if she doesn't, she's not going to be the same."


Adrien quietly set his bag down in his room. He had said nothing to Nathalie, his Bodyguard and his father. Adrien knew that Marinette was having a stroke from the start, he'd witnessed one of his tutors suffer one when he was eight, he didn't see them again, but he was told that they would no longer be teaching him.

From what Adrien knew, anything could cause a stroke and it could happen anytime and anywhere. Adrien vaguely heard Nathalie call him for dinner, automatically, Adrien got up and sat at the table, mindlessly eating his food in silence and then dismissing himself up to his room.

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