Chapter 2: Goodbye, Fairy Tail

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First and foremost, a big thank you to everyone who's shown support for this fiction by adding it to their follows or favorites, and of course, to those who've taken the time to leave comments. Even a single line of feedback means a lot to me and keeps me motivated in my writing :). 

I hope you enjoy this new chapter! There are a few things I would like to discuss, but we'll save that for the end.

In any case, good reading!

The main hall was once again filled with the uproar of the brawl. With the weight of worry lifted upon learning Natsu was out of danger, the mages swiftly resumed their fight from where they had left off. Chairs and tables were playfully tossed across the room, narrowly missing a few distracted spectators, as fists and blows flew in every direction. Amidst the chaos, Lucy and Gray remained disinterested in the revelry, too preoccupied with Natsu's condition and the Master's peculiar behavior.

They were discussing recent events when Erza burst into the guild upon her return from her S-rank mission. The moment the door swung open, the room fell into a silent stillness, as if time itself had frozen everyone in place.

Her stern gaze swept across the room, pausing on every detail and every person demanding her attention. "So? Looks like you've been causing trouble again?"

Sweat beads appeared on every neck as some attempted to discreetly slip away, only to be swiftly thwarted by a few merciless blows from the uncompromising mage. Ten seconds later, the center of the guild was piled high with moaning bodies, adorned with bumps and bruises. The miraculous survivors of the melee pleaded with their fearsome friend for mercy, dreading they would suffer the same fate as their unfortunate guildmates. Exasperated, Erza sighed as she ran a hand over her face.

"Oh, goodness... I always end up looking after you." She deposited her heavy belongings on a nearly table and joined Gray and Lucy, who breathed a sigh of relief as they envisioned themselves as among the knight's unfortunate victims. "What did I miss?" she inquired in a detached tone as she settled beside them.

Her question was ordinary enough, yet it was met with a worried, indecisive look from her two companions. This puzzled the young woman, who had expected a simple "nothing much" or a detailed account of trivialities.

Lucy hesitated no longer and decided it was best to inform Erza of the situation. With a quick glance at Gray, who nodded in agreement and encouragement, she took a deep breath and began her explanation. She started from the moment Natsu returned and went on chronologically until he was taken to the infirmary.

Erza listened without interruption, occasionally frowning or nodding. Her concern grew as Lucy spoke, particularly when she mentioned Makarov's strange behavior.

Once she finished her story, Erza remained silent for a moment, lost in thought. Makarov's reaction hinted at an unusual aspect to Natsu's injury, demanding their undivided attention, yet he appeared to be the sole keeper of this knowledge. Mirajane's examination revealing nothing out of the ordinary further added to the mystery, leaving them grasping for answers and intensifying the tension. The visible distress of her two friends only compounded the gravity of the situation.

To disturb them this much, witnessing Natsu collapse in his own blood and struggle for breath in Gray's arms must have been absolutely terrifying. As the details of the intense pain attack that had left the Dragon Slayer incapacitated were recounted, Gray's pale face and Lucy's quivering voice had been unmistakable. She dared not imagine how much their friend had suffered to evoke such strong emotions.

Erza exhaled deeply, trying her utmost not to let her worry show to her interlocutors, who were in need of guidance and comfort above all else.

"I don't know what to make of it," she finally said. "If Mirajane didn't notice anything while treating him, maybe it's not as serious as it seems."

Goodbye, Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now