Chapter 5

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'Who will dry your eyes when it falls apart?'

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

Jisung woke up with a sore neck. He lifted his head up from out of his arms and looked around him sleepily. His arms lay crossed on his desk with papers and books below him.

He must have fallen asleep whilst he was doing school work.

That wasn't good, but at least he didn't have his nightmare again.

He stood up and looked out the window. It was pitch black and the moon cast a small light into the room providing at least some comfort to Jisung.

He decided to go out to the park again. He knew with the sleep he got just now that it would be even harder for him to fall back into it, he needed some time to become sleepy again.

Knowing it was dark outside, he decided to take a small bag with his teddy in it, it was always a comfort item to him so he'd feel safer with it.

Secretly, he hoped that Minho would be there again. He remembered his friends calling him a nickname.

'Lee Know...'

Why were they calling him that and not his actual name?

Jisung shrugged it off, focusing more on the fact that he needed to get out of the dorm without Felix waking up again like last night.

Luckily, he was successful this time around and stepped out into the dark corridor, tiptoeing to the end and exiting the building after walking down the stairs.

As he walked to the park, he prayed that Minho would be there. He wanted to see him again. His beautiful brown eyes, his sharp cheekbones and defined nose. His pouty lips and gorgeous hands. Jisung had just met the older, but prayed with every fibre in his body to see him.

When he reached the park, much to his dismay, the boy wasn't there with his friends, or even alone. It was a separate group. Jisung didn't feel safe with them.

It's not like he specifically felt safe when Minho's group was there instead, but he certainly didn't feel threatened. This group, however, definitely felt threatening.

Jisung tried to tell himself that it was okay and that he should just go and sit on the swing set, but the group was standing in the basketball court which was right next to the swings.

The smaller felt uneasy. Very uneasy.

He was about to leave when he heard someone call out for him.

"Hey! You there!" Jisung froze in place, clutching the strap of his bag that lay across his body.

He didn't turn around. He just stared down at his feet with wide eyes. Did he do something wrong? Was he not supposed to be here?

Jisung heard loud footsteps approaching and the clanking of chains against the metal of a boot heel.

He yelped in pain as someone grabbed his hair and dragged his head backwards to meet their eyes.

"Why the fuck are you 'round here at this time? Huh?" The boy asked. He was tall and muscular with a growing beard on his chin and a shaved head. His skin was littered in bruises and he had a tattoo of a decorative cross on his temple.

Jisung had lost his voice. His throat when dry and his lips parted to say something but nothing escaped but a small breath.

He was yanked backwards and thrown to the floor. They grabbed his bag and emptied it out.

All that fell was lip balm and his teddy.

"Oh, well, what's this?" The boy with the cross tattoo asked with a laugh. He held it between his thumb and index finger by the ear as if it was something he'd found in a dumpster.

Jisung wanted to shout at him and tell him to put it down but he couldn't. He couldn't even do anything. He couldn't do anything but cry.

He groaned when he felt a kick to his side. Everything hurt. Why couldn't he have just stayed inside? Why did he have to go outside?

Tears escaped his eyes as he felt the familiar feeling of warm blood oozing down his face. Someone had punched him in the nose but he didn't know who.

It hurt.

Everything hurt.

Absolutely everything.

Why him? Why did this have to happen to him?

Why couldn't he do anything right?

The tears flowed out of his eyes again as he sniffed slightly, only to remember that his nose had been injured and was bleeding. It hurt.

He had been lying still for a couple of seconds when he heard chaos ensue around him.

The sound of fists colliding with faces, shouting, groaning, and rapid footsteps running away.

Jisung flinched when he felt a hand caress his shoulder.

"Hey little one." An all too familiar voice echoed into his ear, making his heart flutter slightly, but it was soon over taken by pain and Jisung whimpered at the feeling of his bruises whenever he took a breath.

"I know, I know." Minho whispered. He slowly turned Jisung onto his back and lifted his shirt a little.

The younger shivered as the cold night air dragged its fingers along his bare skin. It was quickly replaced with a tingling warmth that spread across his body.

Usually Jisung would pull his shirt down, feeling insecure about anyone seeing his chest or tummy, but he simply couldn't move.

Minho slowly dragged his fingers along Jisung's skin. Trying to find any injury. He slowly pressed a little against certain points earning groans and hisses. Minho was trying to calculate what to do with Jisung and how he should treat his wounds.

It was obvious his nose was bleeding and that he had bruises littered over his body, but Minho wanted to be sure there were no broken bones.

"Is this yours little one?" Minho had the teddy safely in his hands. Holding it, not harshly, not by the ear, but with his hands wrapped gently around the torso.

Jisung reached out for it, but quietly hissed as he felt every movement pain him.

Minho quickly placed the teddy in the younger's arms and Jisung wrapped it in his embrace quickly, bringing the comfort item to his nose and burying it in the soft, matted fur.

Minho cooed under his breath, but set that thought aside as he saw how Jisung's eyes were still glossy and his body sitll hurt.

The younger felt to arms underneath him as he was lifted up 'bridal style'. Minho picked up the discarded bag and lip balm from the ground and began the walk back to his dorm.

He knew they just met. He knew it was fast, but he couldn't just leave the boy there. He needed treating and he knew his roommate could provide it.

"Just rest now doll, I'll get you treated." Minho spoke softly.

The sound of the wind curling and brushing through the trees, the calm rise and fall of Minho's chest, his teddy and the dim lighting from the street lamps all lulled Jisung into a sleep.

He wasn't aware enough to realise how stupid it was to let someone you met twice take you back to their dorm, however, Jisung felt as if he could trust Minho, as if the boy truly wanted to help Jisung. Even if they'd only met twice.

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