I'm going to make you Wet!

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Lynn and Loki literally would bicker like an old married couple every time when they were in the same room. People wanted to get them get along shirt but either Lynn would slit his throat or Loki would obliterate her.  They just looked at each other with pure hate. 

Lynn was always happy when she got home from her uncle Tony's. She was able to sit and relax.   She was doing some house chores, cleaning her apartment kitchen. 

Loki on the other hand was going to pay her a visit, especially with that waterworks and insulting him that time .  He used his magic to mess with the plumbing system.  He purposely had the left handle of her sink loosen a little bit just the right amount to think that she accidentally pulled it when she lightly Turned it on.  " this is gonna teach the mewling Quim  for insulting me so she's gonna be filled with water!" 
He grind and was using his foresight and he was just smirking. 

Lynn went to the kitchen and she was going to wash her pan that she usually cooked her eggs in  now she's been having a strike of bad luck for a while now. This was thanks to Loki. He didn't know at the time, but he didn't really think about it that he actually liked her same with Lynn. She wouldn't know why she would want to kill him or hug him sometimes so they would just straight out and insult each other or play tricks on each other . There was that time when that truck almost turned too close to her car but once again luck was on her side.  Then there was this. 

She put her small frying pan that she cooked her egg in the sink and got the soap that was foam.  She spritzed it four times. Her hand was reaching for the left notch on her sink and as soon as she turned it.  The left notch that stood for warm water broke off. "WTF!!!!"  It was like a waterpark.  She tried to cover it, but the pressure was too strong.   Of course this is what happens when you live alone. 

Loki: oh did he enjoy it.  Even he was working with Thor which was community service. 

Thor: strangely he looked at the corner of his eye, and he saw his brother smiling " why are you so happy"

Loki: " I can't be happy being close to my brother and helping out". Was he seeing visuals of Lynn literally drowning in her apartment. 

Thor: Thor couldn't accuse him of anything because Lynn wasn't there. He sort of had a hunch, but he wasn't going to make assumptions.

Lynn: luckily it was water. All she had to do was turn the water off, but unfortunately, she was only one person luckily her neighbor that lived in the apartment over was willing to help her.   He had dark brown eyes, tan, lighter skin and black slicked back hair. His name was Alex. He was about 6 foot tall. 

Alex:  he was just a nice guy in general and he was always willing to help. Lynn and Alex were buddies  but then at the strike of luck he wanted to see what was going on because there was water coming from her apartment and it was leaking through underneath the door.  Had to use his foot to break down the door. "Oh my god Lynn!!!!!" he ran to her and tried to help her " hold on!!!"

Lynn: " what did you do to my door?"

Alex: " right now you're a little bit more important" he opened the cabinet to where the plumbing was and then he had to turn off the water  " thank God"

Lynn: she was soaked in water. Her pants were wet. Her tank top was wet. You could literally see through her shirt. " thank you"

Alex: " don't mention it now will you give me your number?" He smiles he had beautiful teeth and he was easy on the eyes.

Lynn: " Alex, thank you for everything,"

Alex: " I will pay for that" he was calm.

Lynn: " how about this? How about I take you out as a thank you"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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