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"Yes? Why would that matter though?" I say. "Joe is accusing you of hiding the pregnancy from him, cheating on him, and ruining his relationship with you." Tree says. "Well only one of those is true." I say. "Not the time for jokes Taylor. This is serious." She says. "You could be sued, your career could end." She says. "Oh my god Tree. Does it sounds like I care?" I say.

"Taylor this is a serious matter, I need you to see the things that could happen. We are taking care of it but this might involve Hazel having to meet Joe, and I don't think you are ready to see him again." She says. "He's not seeing me or my child." I say. "It might come to that Taylor." She says. "The fuck it won't. Tell them to deal with it. Figure it out then get the fuck back to me." I say. "Taylor-." She says but I hang up.

"What's going on?" Travis says entering the kitchen holding a crying Hazel. "Sorry I've tried to calm her down, just well I don't have those." He says pointing to my boobs. "It's fine. Just some shit. I'll deal with it." I say. "Alright." Travis says. "I'll be upstairs." I say and he nods as I take Hazel from his arms.

"Hi girly." I say smiling down at Hazel, as I sit down in the rocking chair. "You know,mommy's got a lot of stuff on her plate right now little one." I say as she latches on. "It's alright though, I'll deal with it." I say. "Mommy dated this guy, a long time ago. But he thinks that he's your daddy, which he isn't. That doesn't really stop him from trying to prove so." I say.

"Aunty Trees going to forgive it out, you know I was mean to her earlier. She knows that I just got worked up. There's a lot of stuff I've got to learn." I say. "As if me and Travis not being together, but living in the same house wasn't enough. The world just had to add this to my plate. A custody battle where someone is fighting for something that isn't his." I say.

"I won't let him take you though. That's not going to happen you hear me? I'll do everything possible to not have you meet him. He doesn't deserve to meet you. You're my most prized possession. My favorite thing u have ever created." I say propping her on my shoulder as I begin to burp her.

"Tay?" I hear someone say, and I look up to see Travis at the door. "Baby can we talk?" He says. "Um sure." I say and he nods, as I place Hazel in her crib. "I heard." He says. "Huh?" I say. "I heard." He says. "You heard what?" I say. "Over the baby monitor. I heard what's going on." He says. "You could have told me." He says.

"I know but-." I say. "Taylor, you need to have told me this. It's important, it involves our child." He says. "Look I know I've made a hell of a lot mistakes and done shit I shouldn't have. I'm here now though, and I'm here to stay." He says. "I'm sorry, I should have told you. Just with Tree calling, and Hazel needing to be fed I just felt over whelmed." I say.

"I know, but you have to say when you feel that way so I can't help. We aren't a couple yet, but that doesn't mean I don't want to start treating you how you deserve to be." He says. "How about, we put our phones on silence, have them down in the kitchen. Just focus on this night, together, and as a family." He says. "Okay." I say putting my phone in his hand, folding his fingers over the top of it.

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