Chapter 33: Hurtful Feelings

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TW: SA (forced kiss), Fake pregnancy, threats of rape, threats of murder. 


"This is... overkill," Kali scrunches her nose, looking around the throne room. Dozens upon dozens of people, coated in gems and stones along with their elaborately colored clothing, dance across the room hand in hand. Not a smile shows through as their will-less forms twirl under the gaudy chandelier and gold trimmed curtains dangling from the ceiling.

Chairs and tables lined with food and crystals line the far right wall, music being played by a musician in the far northern side of the room. It's showy, and tastelessly elegant. Seems on point for the King's style. Especially since no one seems to be enjoying themselves.

She trails her eyes over the crowd, looking for someone she recognizes. Tate had wandered off, Dakki hasn't come into view, yet. And Finn hasn't shown his face since the night before. She bites her inner cheek, annoyed at her loneliness. At a time like this, I would love to have others around me. Where could they possibly be?

A throat clears behind her, making her turn to look before sighing. Mara moves beside her, eyes dark and arms crossed.

"What do you need, Mara?" Kali's tone is short as she continues to look onwards, the lovely melody from the musicians easing her a little.

"What is he to you?" Her voice is low, staring off along with Kali into the sea of dancers as she asks.

"Excuse me?" Kali looks at her from the side, the woman's light brown hair falling low past her chest.

"Dakki. What is he to you?" She sneers with her words, making Kali squint at her.

"He's my best friend, but he's also my... he's part of me." She pauses as she answers, giving thought to it. He is part of me, literally and figuratively. He has been since the moment I was born, I've never been without him.

"Part of you?" Mara glares, turning to Kali with an animosity that the purple-haired woman can't understand.

"What?" Kali frowns, just as Cana approaches, her hands clasped in front of her as she smiles between both women.

"Are you ready for your dance with the King? He should be here shortly, you will need to stay calm, smile, and let him lead you. It is a simple dance, then you can enjoy the rest of the evening before you retire to his chambers." Her tone is soft, hands wringing not so subtly.

"I don't think I could ever be ready for that. If I fall over, can I pretend to need the herbalist?" Kali smiles half heartedly.

"I can break your legs for you," Mara sneers, gaining a glare from Cana.

"Both of you cut it out. No, this needs to go perfectly. Otherwise, there will be problems. For all of us."

"What do you mean by problems?" Kali raises her eyebrow, looking up the shorter woman with concern. "Will... he get mad at you if I fail?"

"Unfortunately, yes. It will become a punishment for us all– here he comes, girls, smile." She fixes her mouth into a wide smile as the king approaches. A large crown sits atop his yellow hair; slicked back against his head. He is wearing his red and gold suit, decked out in countless pendants and charms coating his chest. A long, red cape falls down his back, the white fur around the neckline sticking to his humid neck.

He looks terrible, and the thoughts of him being involved with Leif make him even more nauseating to look at.

"My mistress, dance with me," He smiles a dirty smile at her, dark brown eyes looking over her emerald dress that hugs her every curve. She feels disgusted as his eyes trail her, even more so when she hesitantly takes his hand in hers. Goose bumps rise on her flesh as the clamminess of his palms coat hers, the memories of his skin forcing itself onto hers making her blood run cold.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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