Chapter Ten | The Gathering | Stina

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The Gathering, Excerpt 1: Stina

Stina thought something she hadn't though in a while.

She was tired of her friends.

Yeah they were nice and all, but they were too boring to be spending the dance with tonight- no she needed to get away quickly.

As Linh was in a lengthy conversation on her new Hydrokinetic move, nobody noticed Stina slip out from behind her friends and creep along to the doorway. She pushed the doors open and the cool, night breeze made her sigh with relief.

She walked along to a railing and rested her elbows on it, as she peered out into the dark, quiet  light. Squinting, she saw a latecomer appear out of thin air and make her way to the building. Was that Sophie? Whatever, it didn't matter anyway.


Stina jumped up and turned around to see Dex laughing at her reaction.

She  scowled. "Techy Boy, didn't expect you to be here."

Dex grinned. "Well I'm just as surprised that you aren't with your friends."

"Yeah, well they're being annoying."

Dex raised his eyebrow. Stina rolled her eyes.

But something twinged inside her heart, and she could feel herself blushing.

Dex looked down. His cheeks were scarlet too.

Luckily they were both saved by the explosion. A fire had started.


A/N: Any Hunger Games fans? My new fanfic is revealed as "Out of Align"- if you are interested, check it out!

Happy Shadow Thoughts!

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