CONCORDE!? (part 9)

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It has been a week since they found Starshine. They haven't contacted me ever since.
As I was working in the stables for some shillings, my phone buzzed. It was a message from Linda:

-"Hey Y/n!"

-"We saved Lisa!"

             -"Really!? You already
have the keystone?""

-"Not exactly. You see, Starshine said he talked to Lisa through pandorian cracks in Greendale and the only way to save her is with the help of the Sleeping Widow tree in the Forgotten fields."

-"We awoke it with the light of Aideen that Elizabeth lended us and "Aideen's tears" from the flower and Lisa kind of just appeared."

-"That's wonderful! What did you do to return the favor?"

-"That's what I wanted to ask you about."

-"Can you come to the Forgotten fields tomorrow and help Lisa connect the roots of the two guardian trees of the island? (The trees were planted by Aideen when she created the island and they need to be connected to maintain the peace of the island.) We already got the harp of Aideen but none of us knows how to play it and we hoped that you can. We can't do anything without the music from the harp."

-"Yes, I will and I can play dw!"

-"Thank you! Lisa will be there with the harp at 2p.m. tomorrow."


-"Bye now, Y/n!"

-"Bye, Linda!""

I quickly finished my work, got my payment and went to H/n to tell him the news. He also seemed excited when I mentioned Lisa being saved.
We went to the arena for a quick lesson and then I decided to explore Moorland a little. As I made my way towards Nilmer's Highland I saw a tall man that looked like someone from a circus and he was trying to assemle something.

-Do you need help?-I asked

-Y/n!-He said turning around-I would love that

-Do I know you?-I asked

-Not yet!-He said grinning.
- I'm the wonderful Ringmaster Ydris, my dove!

-"My dove"?

-And yes-He ignored me-I do need your help
-As you can see I'm trying to set up my circus, but two is always better than one!-He said with a smile

We got to work as soon as he finished his sentence. As we were almost finished I saw some cages on the side, and asked him about them.

-What's up with those cages?-I asked

-They are just for the foals for future entertainment here. You can go check them out if you want. We only need to put the sign up but I can do that alone, so go ahead!

I nodded as a thank you and made my way to the side. There were four cages, two small ones on top of each other and another two, huge ones next to them. All of them were empty except for one of the huge ones in the middle but it was covered with a cloth. As I lifted it, it felt like my eyes were about to pop out of my head.

The foal looked EXACTLY like Concorde. As I stuck my hand closer to him, and he touched my hand, I felt that his(?) energies were almost the same as well. As I subconciously went to open the cage I heard footsteps behind me and then Ydris grabbed my wrist.

-What do you think you're doing!?-He asked angry

-Where did you get him?-I asked ignoring the question

-Don't worry about it, my dove.-He said, smiling as I broke free of his grip

I walked away without a word. As I mounted H/n I glanced back over my shoulder at the foal. I was CERTAIN that it was Concorde. I just had to find a way to set him free. And figure out how did he end up in here. I returned my gaze to H/n and quickly rode off.

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