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It feels odd feeling so happy after a long time. I have a smile on my face and it's actually a genuine one.

The publisher told me that all the books have been sold out in a week and they are willing to print more. And since I made enough money, I'm able to do so to make even more.

The eight boys found out that I write books because of it and all pre-ordered the new one for the next print.

I was always scared to use my own experiences in a story, which is why I always tried to create happy stories. But this time, I felt like it was time to step out of my comfort zone and write down my worries. It kind of worked like therapy for me. Since I have no money for it, I have to find an exit in other actions. 

And now it's actually paying off.

The boys are at the JYP building again, but they told me we would do something fun with the nine of us when they get back.

So now, I'm just surpassing time by watching a random Netflix series. That is, until someone calls me. It's an unknown number. I ignore it and let it go to voice mail.

Not long after, the same number calls again. It should be important, is what I think. I answer the phone and pause the show on the tv. "Hello?"

"Hey baby, missed me?" I hear a voice I know all too well calling out. I become stiff and my mouth turns dry.

How much power he has over me, and how much I just want him to disappear from my life.

"H- How did you get my number?" I stutter a bit. I can practically hear the male grin from the other side of the phone. "I have my ways."

I look around the room, anxiously. My hands start shaking a little and I give myself some time to focus on my breathing.

When that doesn't help, I move my free hand in my pocket and pinch my thigh.

"You really thought you could just go out with other men like that, huh?" I can practically hear his smirk on his face, making me grow even more annoyed. "No man deserves you, only me. You have to obey me. You have to miss me. You have to listen to me!"

When he raised his voice, my whole body jumped up a bit, feeling incredibly uneasy in the place I am. I want to leave right there and then, but where could I go?

I have nothing but this dorm.

"Did I make you silent, babe? Answer me, do you like that immature boy?" He stays quiet, waiting for my response.

He doesn't have to know all of that. I don't even know the answer to the question, but I do know Felix is special to me.

"Answer me, bitch!" he yells into the mic and I jerk back. Tears are stinging in my eyes, me not wanting to deal with him any more.

And then, all of a sudden, a wave of confidence washes over me. I want to make an end to all this. I want this to stop. More than ever.

"That is and will remain an unanswered question for you. And aren't you the one who has to miss me? You called me overall, not the other way around." I pinch my thighs even harder that I could feel blood start to form.

I hear Jiwon laugh, a little too loud. "No one can fool you, that boy is nothing compared to me. I should apologize for raising your bars so high," he speaks with so much confidence it makes me want to puke.

"You mean for lowering the bar to the minimum. Try and reach me again and see how it ends. Go cry to your girlfriend." I give him no time to answer and end the call, blocking the phone number immediately.

I press the power button and throw it as far away from me on the couch. I look at it until a smile creeps up my face, feeling incredibly proud of what I just did. I stop pinching my thigh and let my hands rest.

I press the play button on the remote and the Netflix show continues.

I'm going to tell Felix about my new conquest when he comes back, I hope he would be proud of me.


A/n Thank you all for 200+ reads!

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