1 - (Not) Getting it together

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~fans pov~

I suddenly felt a soft tap on my shoulder, to which I turned around only to be met with Test tubes joyous face. Honestly.. No big surprise there.

"Yes?" I ask with a smile, to which her reaction is her instantly looking happy. Her eyes were practically sparkling as she looked as if she was preparing herself to speak. "Fan!! I've finally done it!!!! Can you believe it?!? I've made an invisibility potion!! And you need to see!! Now!!!" Test tube squeals as she excitedly began practically dragging me toward the old vending machine, her- err- 'Secret' lab.

I eventually stumble, due to how fast she was walking. "Woah woah!- Slow down- Didn't you already make the invisibow thingy, Test tube? What's the point of making an invisibility potion if you already have that? You could just use that, right?" I ask in a really confused tone. I GENUINELY am curious. I mean, what normal person wouldn't be?...

Test tube abruptly stops to turn to face me, raising a brow with an unamused expression. She definitely didn't want me to ask that!!.... "Ahaha- I mean- I'd love to see it Test tube!!.. I'm sure its great!!.." I nervously laugh, glancing to the side awkwardly. Her expression quickly changes to a more happy one, and suddenly drags me down the tube to her lab.

Test tube lands perfectly, while I land flat on my face. How she did that? No clue. I stand up dusting myself off, muttering. That... Entry.... Tube.. Slide thing is REALLY inconvenient. I dont get why she couldn't just make an easier entrance. I mean, why make her lab hidden anyways? It's not like almost every contestant has found it..

Anyhow- I'm getting off topic. I look up to see Test tube holding a vial of... Something? Must be the invisibility potion?.. But.. Something feels... Off. I have a gut feeling.

~test tubes pov~

Finally!! After months, I managed to make my invisibility potion!! I couldn't wait to show Fan!! After all, he's the best person to reveal my greatest success to!! Well... Not necessarily- Not the point!! I hold up the vial confidently. "Alright!! Now, I'm going to turn invisible!!!!" I announce. Fan smiled and starts applauding which makes me really happy- What?- Uh- Never mind, anywho!! With one final smile, I gulp down the invisibility potion!!


After a few seconds, Fan looks at me confused. It must've worked!! "Well Fan? Am I invisible?" I exclaimed. "Actually... Test tube.... I still see you." Fan mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear. My heart stopped. I did something wrong. I failed. But then, what did I just-

"Test tube? are you okay?" Fan touched my shoulder with a worried expression causing me to flinch. I feel weird. I feel... Warm? If thats the right word for it. And my stomach feels-

Wait a second. Did I?...

"...Test tube??...." Fan repeated.

I look up at Fan, and instantly knew.

That was a love potion.

. . .

I have made a TERRIBLE mistake.

"Test tube?!?" Fan calls out one final time, snapping me out of my trance. "Sorry, yes Fan?" I  hesitantly responded. This potion thing is gonna be really difficult to work with. "You seemed really scared, then stopped responding for a bit. I was worried." Fan frowned.

"Oh... Sorry." I chuckle awkwardly. I unintentionally drop the glass vial, causing it to shatter against the floor. The shatter caused a long pause of silence, with Fan looking even more concerned. "Test tube, do you need rest? We could go back to hotel OJ and-" "Nonono!! Don't worry i'm fine!!!" I blurt out, interrupting him. Fan sighed, then proceeded to tightly grab my hand. I felt my face heat up. This isn't good. "Come on. We're going back." Fan stated firmly, before guiding me outside towards the hotel.

About an hour later, me and Fan are at the hotel, watching tv. I feel my eyes start to get heavy, so I glance over at the clock. 11:40 PM. No wonder I'm so exhausted. I yawn, but try to keep myself awake. I look over at Fan, and he's still wide awake. I guess he feels me staring, because he looks at me back. I practically FEEL my face flush. I look away. Why is it so hard to look at him now? Why do i get nervous being near him? If only i hadn't taken the potion, then maybe-

Fan leans on me.

He... Leaned on me. I freeze up and my thoughts go silent. What do I do now..? I guess I just...

I lean back on him.

It's REALLY not that big of a deal. It's not like its the first time. But this time feels.... What am I thinking. It's just Fan! I just have to trick myself into thinking I didn't drink the potion, then there will be no problem!! I feel my eyes start to get heavier, and I finally close them. "Test tube?" Fan whispers. I decide to pretend im asleep. Out of curiosity, just to see what- if anything happens.

Theres a long pause. Nothing happens, but I hear the tv turn off. Another long pause of silence. Fan sighs, then gets up off the couch?- Huh. I guess he's just gonna leave??

Or not..? I feel Fan place a blanket over me. I shift slightly, pressing my face into the couch. "Test tube. Psst, Test tube?" Fan whispers, gently tapping my glass. I still pretend sleep. Just because... I... Can....?? Because I want to. After what FELT like an hour (it was 5 minutes) Fan sits down beside me and... HUGS ME?!?!? OKAY, WE'RE WAKING UP

"...Fan?... What are you doing?...." I pretend yawn, rubbing my eyes. It sorta.. looked like he blushed, before instantly letting go. "Oh- Uh- Sorry-" He moves away slowly, but I grab his hand. I really didn't WANT him to go. Wait- What am I thinking.. You're being selfish, Test tube. Get it together. "Huh?" Fan stumbles over his words and stares at me, puzzled. I feel my face heat up and look away. "You can stay. If you want."



Fan sits back beside me, and the rooms silent for a while. Eventually, I hear a soft snoring coming from him. It was cute- NOT CUTE. IT WASN'T. THAT WAS A JOKE. ....Get it together. I close my eyes. Might as well get a good nights sleep.. I guess.

(A/N: HII!! im so sorry this may be boring- ive been struggling with making it interesting.... IT WOULD MEAN ALOT TO ME IF YOU KEPT READING!! THANK YOU!! :3 -jelly)

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