2 - Bumpy morning

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~test tubes pov~

An abrupt loud crash echoes through the hotel, waking me up in a very... Not ideal way. I sit up and rub my eyes so my vision can adjust to the light and see... BAXTER?? Baxter scurries across the floor towards the outside door, as Paintbrush frantically follows. "BAXTER!! COME BACK!! IM SORRY- I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU WITH FAN, BUT-" Paintbrush seems to be desperately attempting to coax the crab to come back to them. Wait.... Fan? I turn around to see... That he left. Obviously he woke up before me.

I stand up and decide to approach them to see what happened. "Paintbrush??" I tap on their shoulder. "Whats- What happened?" I yawn, stretching. Paintbrush huffs and crosses their arms. "I told Fan to watch Baxter for FIVE MINUTES, and I come back to find out Fan FORGOT TO CLOSE THE TERRARIUM."

Paintbrush's bristles flicked with fire, so I decide to back off and just try to find Fan. I prefer talking to him than anyone else anyways. Not in a romantic way, of course!...

~fans pov~

I sigh and lay down on the bed. I'm EXHAUSTED. First, the thing with Test tube happened last night. SECOND, Paintbrush gets mad at me for accidentally letting their crab out. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!! IT WASN'T MY FAULT!! The thing last night was.... Odd. Test tubes been acting really off since the failed potion incident. Maybe shes upset because it didn't work?.. After all, she always works really hard when it comes to science..

Speaking of which, Test tube walks through the door, a curious look on her face. "So what's- Oh." She stared blankly at the mess of shattered glass scattered across the floor, a subtle look of understanding appearing on her face. "You.... Really... Messed up. I can't say im surprised."

She sighs. HOW- HOW IS IT NOT SURPRISING? I MEAN- Sure, I may be clumsy SOMETIMES, But- I take a deep breath. "It's not THAT big of a deal, come on..." She chuckles and sits down on Paintbrushes bed. "It's fine, I don't really care. I guess I just hoped you'd be better with crabs." I blink, confused. Huh?- Do I seem like a crab person or something? What?-

Obviously she notices my confusion, because she giggles again. "Nevermind." She covers her mouth and goes over to me. "Do you need some help with cleaning???" She offers, and I end up being surprised. I didn't expect her to actually want to help.. "Thanks. That would be nice!!" I grin. Out of the corner of my eye i see her awkwardly smile. Odd.. I might be going crazy.

~test tubes pov~

I'm about 99% sure he's on to me. He can obviously tell somethings off and it's NOT GOOD. I need to distract myself, but thats going to be hard while im with him.... Whatever. You're fine, Test tube... GET IT TOGETHER.

Fan hands me a small broom and dust pan, and I begin to sweep up the shards of glass. They were EVERYWHERE. "Sorry for roping you into this..." Fan chuckles, awkwardly trying to brighten the mood. He's too nice. "No, don't be!! I'm happy to help!!" I smile. I... Really hope he didn't notice my face flush. He smiles. "Well... If you really mean it... Thanks so much for helping, Test tube!!!!"

. . . . .

This is going to be a long day.

A/N: hiii!!! im SO SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER AND THAT IT TOOK A WHILE.... schools been wild but my last day was yesterday!! :3 ill try to update more!!!! hope you like it ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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