4- The Truth.

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"Where are we going?" I asked Jasper. 

"We're going to my favorite place. It might make some of this easier." He replied. 

"Okay. You and Alice have me scared. What's going on?" I stopped walking, standing alone with Jasper in the middle of the forest. 

"I- Reagan, I'm not who you think I am." He leaned against a tree. 

"You've got to give me something better than that." I said. At this point, I realized that I was still in the dress and heels that Alice dressed me in, and then I started to get nervous. 

"I'm- inhuman." He whispered. "I'm not good for you." He pushed himself off of the tree. 

"What? What does that even mean?" I raised my voice, which had become more shaky with every word. 

"Just- just listen to me, okay?" He whispered. 

"Okay." I whispered, now leaning against a tree, myself. 

"I- my siblings and myself, Esme and Carslile included, are vampires. We don't drink human blood, though. We go for animals and try to keep a low profile." He stopped for a second. "I wanted to keep you out of this- pleas beleive me- but Edward is fascinated with Bella, which is masochistic, really." He moved towards me, and I pushed myself further against the tree. 

"You're not playing a prank, right?" I whispered, so low that I wasn't sure I really spoke. 

"This is all real, Reagan. I'm a monster." He stopped walking, and I relaxed myself. 

"You aren't a monster, Jasper." I replied, my voice still very shaky. 

"I met Alice over fifty years ago, and the first thing she said to me was 'Your mate is beautiful and artistic.' I knew she was talking about you the second I saw you." I pushed off of the tree, and walked to him. 

"She saw me?" I asked, closing the distance between us. 

"She can see the future based on the course someone takes. Edward can read people's thoughts. I can feel and manipulate emotions." He spoke so clearly, like he was reciting a passage from a textbook. 

"So you've felt everything I've felt?" I questioned. 

"Yes." He looked almost ashamed. 

"Tell me what I've felt around you." I whispered, grabbing the vampire's hand. 

"Anger, attraction, happiness." He whispered, bringing his other hand to my face. 

"Okay. I have a question." I whispered, leaning into his hand. "What do we do now?" I asked. 

"I don't know. Bella doesn't know, though, this has to come from Edward." He pulled me into him, into a tight hug. 

"Okay, yeah." I whispered, taking in the scent of cinnimon and sandlewood on his clothes. 

"You aren't scared?" He asked as he brushed his hand through my hair. 

"Not of you. Your family would've already hurt me if that was the intention. Are there more like you?" I whispered. 

"There's vampires all over the world, but most of them are nomadic. They don't keep connections and lives. They don't keep our diet, either." I knew what he meant. 

"How do I know? I mean, obviously you guys all have golden eyes." I pulled myself out of his grasp. 

"We have golden eyes because of our diet. Others will have red eyes, you can't miss them." He smirks, clearly thinking of something else. "I want to show you something." He reached for my hand, and I gave it to him. 

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