5- Crash and Burn.

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Charilie was freaked out, okay that's an understatement. He was terrified. 

I did everything I could to calm him down, while Bella followed Edward to get some answers. 

"Charlie, I promise, it was a super freak accident. She's going to be fine." I pleaded with him. 

"Her mom will kill me if something happens to her." He whispered, wiping his face with his hand. 

"Nothing will happen to her. She has me, and you. Nobody's dumb enough to mess with a cop's daughter." I retorted. 

Bella walked back out to the waiting room, and sheepishly walked over to where I stood with Charlie. 

"Do you need a ride, Reagan?" Charlier asked. 

"I'm actually going to take her home. We have a project to work on." Rosalie appeared behind us, making all three of us jump. 

"That's right." I quickly responeded. "Thank you though, Charlie." I smiled before walking with Rosalie. "Bella?" I called. "Let me know if you need anything." 

"What was that, Rose?" 

"We need to talk as a family, and you're included in that." She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to her car. 

"I feel like I'm going to be invading something." I whispered 

"Carslile asked, and so did Jasper." her angelic voice filled the car. "I don't approve of you and Bella, not as people, but as the thing that could so easily rip this family apart. The Vultori- our monarchs- will kill us where we stand, just for you guys knowing. Do you get that?" Her voice turned sour. 

"Rose, I promise, I don't want to hurt you guys, or bring any harm to you. You know that, right?" I adjusted myself in her car. 

"I know. I just finally feel... almost whole, and I don't want that taken from me." She whispered. 

I nodded, because I had no words to offer. We pulled into the Cullens' driveway, and ran to the house. 

"Reagan, I'm glad you're here." Esme jumped up from the chair. She gave me a quick hug before Jasper appeared behind her, offering his hand to me. 

"Hi." He whispered. 

"Hey." I responded, following him to the couch. I perched myself on his lap, head resting against his marble chest, as Carslile rushed into the house. 

"Alice? You called this meeting," Carslile started, moving to stand beside his wife. 

"I had a vision, after the crash. Bella is going to figure out what we are. She's going to become like us one day." Alice whispered. 

"No." Edward roared from his spot against the wall. 

"You've chosen to be with her, and I stand by that." Carslile spoke clearly. "As for Reagan," He looked at me and Jaspers grip on my waist tightened. 

"What about me?" I asked. 

"I had a vision about you, as well. As of right now, there will be an accident, and the only option to keep you here-" She motioned to the room full of vampires, "Will be to change you. We need to know what you want us to do." 

"Alice." Jasper warned. 

"I've had to watch you mope around since I met you, I've finally seen you happy, and I won't risk you going off the deep end." She faked a smile. "We will only change you if it's necessary and you want it, when the time comes." She added, looking back to me. 

"I- I'm sorry, this is unreal!" I cried. 

"Honey, take some time. Think about it." Esme reached for me from the chair, placing her hand on top of mine. 

"Please, Reagan, think about what this means." Jasper whispered into my ear. 

"What would I tell my mom?" I asked Carslile. 

"We'd help you get to your normal state, then we'd move again when you guys graduated." He smiled. 

"We've done this a few times." Esme chuckled. 

"And I'd just- not contact her again?" I asked. 

"It'll be hard for the first twenty years, but the case will go cold, and she'll eventually stop." Rosalie was the one to speak. "But please, Reagan, don't throw your life away. This immortality is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Every day, I wish I could grow old with my husband, with our grandchildren, and curse Casrlile for doing this to me." If she could cry, she would have been. Esme got out of the chair and rushed to her side, wrapping her arms around the blonde. 

"If it comes to it, change me." I spoke so deciedly. 

"Reagan," Jasper pleaded with me. 

"Jasper, Alice has already seen it. If it happens, then it happens. If it doesn't, then we've all worried ourselves for nothing." I brought my hand up to his face, running my fingers down his jawline. 

"But I get until then to talk you out of it." He whispered, kissing the top of my head. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room, while his family went about their buisness. 

"You can't talk me out of it, Jasper. I have so many things I love, like my mom and even my dad, but I love you, too. I don't want to put any of you through anything, but I'll die one day either way, at least this way- if it even happens- will give me something I love." I spoke slowly and clearly, letting each word sink into the air. 

"I understand, but you could have a normal life, one that none of us got."

"But you wouldn't have had them. You were in the Civil War, Rosalie, Edward, Esme, and Emmett were near death. We don't know anything about Alice, but the point still stands: you wouldn't have had normal lives. Your lives would have been done. Over, but you got a second chance. I get that you hate it, and you feel trapped, but I want that second chance. The chance to do things right, and have endless time with the man I love sounds like the best thing I could have." I finished my monologue. 

"I love you too." He whispered. "I just wish there was another way." He added. 

"This might all be for nothing." I responded. 

"You're right. We're fighting about something that may never happen." He smiled. "Our first fight." He laughed now, loud and deep. 

"Our first fight." I repeated, imaging the scarpbook we'd make to commemorate this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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