The beginning...

22 0 3

(A/N expect many pop culture references lol)

In a world of darkness, a white shell made of void,
A delicate vessel containing secrets untold.
Green hair, a symbol of growth and renewal,
A crown of nature's beauty adorning the head.
Nails, sharp and strong, a reflection of power,
A reminder of the strength within.

The white shell, a blank canvas waiting to be filled,
A promise of endless possibilities yet to unfold.
The green hair, a connection to the earth,
A reminder of our roots and where we come from.
The nails, a tool of creation and destruction,
A reminder of the dual nature of existence.

In this tapestry of life, we are but threads,
Weaving our stories together in a dance of light and shadow.
The white shell, the green hair, the nails,
Symbols of our journey through the void,
A reminder that even in darkness,
There is beauty to be found.

-monomon the teacher

(Ghost pov) 

I dealt the final slash to the radiance a bright light consuming us as she fell into the darkness below my vision going black. That's all I remember memories of my friends flashing through my mind hornet quirrell even zote. I was no longer hollow after my journey after I gained a true name. Little ghost...

(hornet pov) 

I look down at the cracked mask of the vessel I called little ghost. "Goodbye little ghost your sacrifice was not in vain I promise" I say with a twinge of guilt that I could not help it. I pick up the mask and carry it out of the temple vowing to protect hallownest at all costs...

(in Japan the year 3xxx on earth-234) (Izukus pov)

I look up at the ceiling of my room as I lay in my bed my alarm blaring through my room. "Time for another day of school" I say as I stand up and begin to get dressed.

a few minutes later I finish getting dressed and head down for breakfast with a bright smile. "Hey mom!" I call out as I see her cooking.

"Hey izuku honey I already have breakfast ready!" she says as I sit at the table. I smile happily and begin to eat the food happily.

She giggles softly "Have fun at school izuku and be safe!" She calls out as I finish my food and rush out the house. I begin walking to school and sighed sadly as I thought about my life. See in this world powers exist there called quirks and about eighty percent of the population has one the others are quirkless and are heavily biased against and well I'm quirkless.

I arrive at my school aldera middle school. I walk inside ignoring everyone and sit down in my seat in class. I take my notebook out and look at it imagining a life where I'm a hero. 

(Timeskip brought to you by hornet default dancing)

The teacher enters the class holding a stack of papers he smiled and asked "so as third year students you gotta start thinking about your futures. I could hand out these career aptitude tests but." "I know you all wanna be heros!" He says as he throws the papers up in the air all the other kids except me start using there quirks. I sigh sadly"Ok calm down all of ya you all know quirk usage isn't allowed in school".

"Hey teach dont lump me in with these chumps, Most will be lucky to become sidekicks to a buncha D listers" The whole class started berating bakugou. The teacher suddenly cut in "Your test results are amazing" Bakugou smiles his ego only boosted "Your aiming for UA right?" The teacher asks as the class starts muttering "It only has a 0.2% acceptance rate" I hear one person mutter as the teacher smiles "Oh midoriya your aiming for UA as well right?". Everyone in the class glares at me then starts laughing "DEKU!" Bakugou yelled at her slammed his fists onto my desk causing me to jump back in fear. He approaches me and asks "What does a shitty deku like you think you can be a hero?" I whimper softly and say "I-im not competing with you kachan please!" He growls at me as the teacher says "Midoriya stop starting trouble your gonna get bakugou  in trouble as well" causing the whole class to laugh at me.

Bakugou sneers and mutters "Shitty deku" as he walks away to sit in his seat. I sigh and stand up moving to sit in my seat. 

(Timeskip to the end of the day that's brought to you by the radiance being consumed by shade lord) 

Im sitting in my seat scrolling through social media muttering to myself. Suddenly bakugou and his three lackeys enter the room "Hey shitty deku" He says as I walk over to me. He grabs my notebook and burns it with his explosion throwing it out the window stunning me into silence. He begins to walk out of the classroom turning back to me for a moment.

"Hey deku I know a way for you to get a quirk" I look at him hopefully searching in his eyes for a trace of the old kachaan. "Pray for a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof". 

My eyes widen my breath taken away and his friends seem genuinely shocked as they all walk away. I sigh sadly  and look away and mutter "What if I did do it kachaan what then?"

I sigh and walk out of the school to head home...

(A/N its a short chapter but its my first hope you like the direction the story is going!)

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