Chapter-11: You do belong here

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Nothing has been the same since the 'incident', when Zack comes out of his room he stares at me for a few seconds before leaving I never know what he's thinking, that dude has such a good poker face. The cafeteria is pretty crowded today, as I look down at my plate containing a ham sandwich and a glass of orange juice, I wonder what the fuck I'm doing with my life.

"Hey Ice" I look up to see Maddy and Marcus walking my way, they sit down in front of me "hope we are not interru-" she cuts herself off when she notices something "what's that on your throat" she points at the bandage "ohhh I just accidentally scratched myself with my ring" I say, I don't own a ring but they don't have to know that, maybe all those years with strict parents taught me something .

Throughout the whole conversation Marcus didn't say a word he just ate, listened to the conversation and repeated the same process. Our conversation abruptly paused when we heard a very loud and very familiar laugh, we turned to see Lily laughing at something, she was standing next to Zack whose face betrayed no emotion while the girl next to him just looked like she inhaled laughing gas, when he catches me staring he glares back, his eyes then drops to my throat where the bandage sits something changes then he turns and resumes the conversation with Lily.

When I turn back to the table I catch Maddy and Marcus staring at me then I feel something suddenly shift in the air "so, how's your food" Marcus asks "it's good" I say, I take the orange juice and empty it out "oh, you completed yours too, oh well give it to me I'll refill them and come" Marcus takes his empty glass and I pass him mine, he stand up and walks away disappearing into the crowd "Our next class is archery" Maddy says checking her schedule "I'm excited" I admit a smile creeping into my face "me too. Me and-" Maddy breaks herself off sadness finding its way to her face "never mind" she says, I decided not to push her as I know how it feels "come on let's go" I change the subject, she smiles we both start to leave when Marcus joins us "Ice, your juice?" He asks "I'm fine just leave it" I reply, his face has an unknown expression but within a moment it's gone and he joins us with a smile

"wait where's the archery room?" I ask when we exited the cafeteria "it's in the basement with all the other offensive rooms" Marcus says climbing down the stairs "offensive room?" I question "fighting rooms. Anything that requires injuring others those rooms are down there like boxing, fencing and of course archery" he says "wow" I spit out, but I take that back when we reach the basement. It looks like the haunted house in horror movies, we walk to the end of the hallway and I can make out a door, Marcus reaches for it and opens it holding it for us to enter first, unlike the outside the inside is beautiful...

 It looks like the haunted house in horror movies, we walk to the end of the hallway and I can make out a door, Marcus reaches for it and opens it holding it for us to enter first, unlike the outside the inside is beautiful

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There are already some people here and there are a few more coming in, then I spotted them: Zack and Lily. "What are the sophomores doing here" I ask Maddy "probably a joint class" she responds calmly. Then Zack spots us but his attention was completely turned to his brother, they both stare at each other with what I can read as hatred, then Lily starts talking to him completely oblivious to the situation "Hey Mads" a new voice calls, I turn to see a guy i remember seeing in my first class "hey Sebastian" Maddy replies "Hey seb" Marcus says, Maddy looks at me and realisation hits her.

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