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as I walk into the classroom I see Malakai wonder off to sit next to ameri leaving me all alone. once again. I walk over to Darren and quin when I hear an annoying voice whistling ."map bitch" to ameri. I felt bad for her even though she was a bitch to me. I mean her friend had left her she got punched in the face and now she's getting screamed at. "shut you trap hole spider, speak to us when your voice drops huh?" I say with a smirk making his friends laugh and make fun of him. ameri turned around and gave me a warm smile.

"your all here today because your names where on the list so now you will be attending the SLTs class in your own time" says woodsy "so we are all sluts" says spider as him and ant start chanting "sluts sluts". "thank you that's enough Spencer and Anthony" says woodsy in an annoyed tone. Malakai stands up and says exactly what I have been thinking. "umm me and Madi joined today so I don't think we should be here". to which woodsy just gave us a look. " wow cherrys already made it onto the map on her first day, I didn't know you was that much of a slut". spider says with a grin on his face. "SHUT THE FUCK UP SPIDER" I say getting more and more annoyed at the boy. Malakai shoots him a sharp look "oi that's my sister you're talking about yeah so shut the fuck up" he says getting as annoyed as me.

"okay everyone get up and push the tables to the side please, we are gonna play a game". I get up standing next to Malakai and Darren. I feel that same feeling of someones eyes drilling into the back of my head when I turn around to see spider practically starring into my soul."had enough time staring or do you need another minute" I say to him. "another minute will be good thanks" he says back as I roll my eyes. " okay everyone start walking around and shake hands with 3 people" I start walking around and I shake hands with Darren Malakai and as I go to shake quins hand I get interrupted by a tap on the shoulder " shake hands with me" spider says with a bit of a nicer tone then usual. "no way your probably riddled with diseases" I say as I turn back round to quin and I hear him scoff behind me . "okay everyone now Spencer you have genetal crabs" miss says I burst out laughing "see I told you I knew you had something wrong with you" I say while laughing, he just stands there going bright red as his mates make fun of him. "now everyone that shook hands with Spencer put your hands up then everyone who shook hands with them and again, you all have genetal warts" she says . "I thought it was genetal crabs" malakai chirps up. " yes it is thank you... what's your name" she says back to him. "Malakai" he replies with a smile.

finally now that class it over and its home time. I walk through the corridors with my headphones in listening to frank ocean. then I feel a presence beside me I thought it would be my brother but nope I was very wrong. "hey" spider says beside me. I rip my headphones out of my ears "god you're always lingering somewhere aren't you bug boy" I say back with a smile. "umm I was actually gonna say do you want to come to the grave yard tonight" he says. "why would I want to go to a graveyard with you!" I say slightly shocked. "no it's like a party gathering thing we do like every year lots of people will be there". "oh okay I will think about it where is this grave yard" I question. "wait give me your phone" he says snatching it out of my hand." frank ocean good choice" he says while typing something into my phone,i try to hold back a smile. " there's my number I will text you the details" he says with a smile. "okay thanks blondie maybe I will see you there, don't get too excited though" I say as I put my headphones back in and walk away from the smiling boy behind me.

I got Darrens number earlier which I forgot about until I started to get a call from them when I was driving home with Malakai. "hello" I say "hi mads you need to come to this rooftop, bit of an emergency " they say on the phone. "um okay just send me the details I will drop Malakai and I will come asap" I reply back. "okay see you soon lovely" they say and hang up. "im gonna go see daren so I will just quickly drop you home " I say turning to Malakai. "okay cool are you coming grave yard later" he says to which I reply " yeah are you ?". he just nods. as he's getting out the car he says "see you later don't do anything stupid Madi". "ill try" I laugh back while pulling away.

when I get to the location I see Darren quin and ameri sat in a trolly. "what he fuck is going on and why is dora in a trolly". Darren just laughed. " are they really that bad" ameri asks. "um yeah a bit but we can fix it". we just sat and talked for what felt like hours while Darren fixed her bangs. "I know what we should do, scream therapy" says quin with a smile. "okay lets do it" I say back. we just ended up screaming our frustrations at the moon which was a lot more fun then it sounds. " are you guys coming to the graveyard" I say to the group "no way everyone hates me" says ameri "we don't hate you" we all say. "and plus how do you know about that?" says Daren. "spider invited me I know very strange" I reply back. "omg he totally likes you" quin squirms. "noooo he just idk I guess everyone is going right". " we are for sure going you have to come ameri" Darren says with hope she will say yes. "no no no" she replys back. "pleaseeee you need to make a come back show everyone yo don't care then they will get over it" says daren while I nod to agree., "okay I guess I will go" she replys as we all scream of happiness. "okay should we meet for pre drinks at mine" Darren questions. "yeah sure and then we can all go together" I reply back. "yeah perfect" daren says. "you know I thought you was a right bitch but your actually really cool" I say to ameri. "thanks I guess sorry for barging into you by the way just a bad day I guess" she says back with a smile. " no its okay I get it" I reply while giving the girl a hug. "okay daren send me the details and I will see you guys later" I say as I blow them a kiss goodbye. I listened to Lana del ray on my way home as I thought about this whole day trying to calm my excitement for this party. I never went to many partys before because before this me and Malakai were home schooled so this was a big change that I was excited for.

once I got home I hoped in the shower and laid down on my bed when I received a message for the contact name 'your fav'. I roll my eyes knowing exactly who this was from.

'your fav'

your fav: hey here are the details for the party if your even coming I don't care though 🙄

cherry: I guess I will keep you in suspense if im coming or not😘

you fav: yeah whatever

I put my phone down and smile to myself "why do I like this idiot he's so stupid" I mutter to myself while I start getting ready thinking about what outfit I will wear.

Thank you for 70 reads I hope you are all enjoying next chapter will be good get ready guys :)


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