Just say hey and I'll be there: chapter 1

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A\N: This is my first Cold Case fanfiction. This is a Lilly/Scotty pairing, all my Cold Case fics will always be Lilly/Scotty. I'me re-watching it because CBS are doing a reboot and I'm so excited for it. This will be a twoshot based on the line Scotty told Lilly when he learned her Mom did in 4x24 tilted Stalker: 'Hey, you need me, just say hey and I'll be there'. I wish Lilly and Scotty got together in cannon but the writers didn't do it, so it's up to us to write it for them! Enjoy my Angels. 


She holds her cell phone in her hand so tightly her knuckles are white. She shouldn't call him, not at this time of night, well morning she supposes now. It's 4 am. He won't even be awake, and even if he is, she'll see him at work in an hour anyway. 

But he had told her himself if she needed him just say hey and he'd be there. So why can't she just say that one little three lettered word that will make him come to her? 

Why can't she just say the word? 

She knows if she calls him, he'll drop everything and come to her, and vice versa. She's done it a handful of times, so why can't she do it now, when she really needs him? She takes a deep breath before she unclenches her hand and presses his number, putting the phone to her ear. 

Phone call: 

Scotty: Lil, you okay? It's 4 am. 

Lilly: Hey. 

Scotty: I'm on my way, I'll be there in 10 minutes. 

Phone call

He hangs up before she can say something else. She lowers the phone and drops it beside her on the couch, wrapping her arms around her legs, tears silently falling from her eyes as she waits for her partner to come to her. 


True to his word, 10 minutes later, her front door is open and her partner enters her home. 

"Lil?" Scotty's voice is how it always is when she calls him and says 'hey', full of concern for her. he sits on her coffee table, looking at her. 

"I'm here, Lil." He says before going silent. It's what he says every time he's called. And every time he's called, he sits on her coffee table, looking at her without judgement, and he waits until she makes the first move, he always has, no matter how long it takes her, he doesn't leave her. 

He never has. 

"Scotty?" She says his name with tears rolling her face as she looks at him, her partner, friend. 

"Yeah, Lil?" He replies, his voice still quiet, Lilly sighs deeply. 

"I was supposed to die. When Ed shot me in Observation." She says in a whisper that has Scotty kneeling in front of her, his hands in hers as he looks at her, his eyes narrowed. 

"No, no, you weren't, Lilly. You weren't supposed to die, you were meant to live and you did." He tells her firmly, Lil shakes her head. 

"You don't understand: I was meant to die, I could feel myself fading. Then I heard someone, someone who gave me the strength to survive, the strength I didn't even know I had. It was the person I saw myself spending the rest of my life with." She explains to her partner, who hasn't interrupted her. He only looks at her, like he's been doing for the last 20 minutes. 

"And who was that?" He asks her, rubbing his thumb along the back of her hand. Lilly smiles at him, the tears on her are drying,  as she leans forward. 

"You. It was you, Scotty. You never left my side, you kept telling me that I'd survive, told me that I was stronger than anyone you ever knew, that that Ed would be the last person to ever hurt me again because you'd protect me for the rest of your life, that I'd always be safe with you at my side." 

Scotty smiles at his partner: he did say all that, he just didn't know that she heard it, even though every word, and every action he said and did was the truth. 

He leans forward until their foreheads are touching, their eyes connected. 

Their lips connect in a soft kiss. 

The kiss ends before it really begins but it's the best kiss Lilly Rush has ever had. 

Scotty gets up from the coffee table and sits beside her on the couch, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. 

They're both silent again but that doesn't bother them: they like the silence. 

"I meant what I said to you, Lil; you'll always be safe with me, no one will ever hurt you again, not if I can help it, I won't let anyone hurt you." He suddenly says before the sound of her alarm goes off. She looks at her partner and kisses him, deeper than the kiss they shared not too long ago. 

"Thank you for coming, Scotty." She says after pulling away from him, Scotty reaches out to move a lock of her hair out of her eyes. 

"You know I'll always be there when you say 'hey.' No matter the time of day, no matter what I'm doing. You need me, you just say hey and I'll be there." 

Lilly nods before heaving herself off the couch, and out of Scotty's arms, and walks up the stairs to her bedroom to change for work. Scotty following her with his eyes.

Lilly is glad she finally called him and said the word that made him be there. 

It was a three lettered word.

H. E. Y.



A\N: I hope you Angels enjoyed the first chapter of my newest fanfiction, the second and last chapter will be out tomorrow.  I already have more Lilly/Scotty oneshots/stories ready to write, including a oneshot book. Have a good week, my Angels. 

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