Chapter 2: The First Day of Birchfield High: A Popular Girl's Territorial Crush

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The school bus dropped me off in front of Birchfield High, and I stood up from my seat and grabbed my bag. I saw Mason Cowfer heading to the bus exit, his eyes shining like diamonds and their bright flash catching my eye. But I remembered that my focus should be on getting to class. I shook myself back to reality "Stop it, Sandra, focus on getting to class," I thought, as I looked at the bus exit he disappeared through the bus exit. The students inside the school bus pushed past me as they got out, and the bus driver looked at me.
Mr. Paul (The bus driver):Are you gonna keep standing there and won't go to school, or what? (he snapped impatiently.)
Sandra: No, I'm going. It's my first day at this school, I'm just a little bit nervous about it all.
Mr. Paul (The bus driver): When I was your age, I didn't get nervous at all. I always thought I should be brave, especially in high school. And do you want to know a secret? I kept reminding myself that I had no time to be nervous - so I got on with it. Now come on, stop being nervous, there's no time! Get to school, let's go!
Sandra: You're right, there's no point in being nervous. (She chuckles softly) Well, I guess I'd better get going," (She started to walk away, then turned back briefly to smile at the bus driver and say) Thanks, by the way.
Mr Paul (The bus driver): No problem, and don't be nervous alright? Be brave. I'll be rooting for you! (He smiles) And don't forget - there's no time to be nervous! Here's some last-minute advice... just be brave! (He laughs and then stops smiling) Well, I guess I'm finally getting that pay check! (He laughs) Goodbye! Whoo-hoo He drives off, grinning and humming as he went.
Sandra: Goodbye to you too! (She chuckles softly)

I should be brave just like he said. Even though I'm nervous right now, it won't help to be scared. I'm gonna be brave. I'll be brave today and every day. I'm gonna make new friends and find my way around this school. I turned around to looked at the school. And I thought to myself "Birchfield high.. The school is so huge. But the school was much nicer than my old one." As I went inside, the hallways seemed huge and so clean. Students were crowded around their lockers, picking up their things. I looked around and noticed people staring at me. My heart started to beat faster and I began to feel nervous, but I reminded myself of the bus driver's advice and told myself that I could do this. Then, a girl about my age approached me.

Emma: Are you new here? (She asked with a warm smile.)
Sandra: (She nodded) Oh, yeah, I'm new here.
Emma: Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Emma. Emma Lee Miller.
Emma extended her hand for a handshake and Sandra took it, shaking firmly.
Sandra: My name is Sandra Prescott.
Emma: Are you headed to your class?" Emma asked. Sandra: (She nodded.) Yeah, I've got math first up.
Emma: Oh, I've got math first up too, you're in Mr. Johnson's class, right?
Sandra: Yeah, I didn't expect us to be in the same class. (She said with a little chuckle)
Emma: (She smiled.) Yeah, isn't it amazing that we're classmates? And I'm like the first person you talked to on the first day? It's pretty great. Like I'm so glad.
Sandra: (She chuckled softly) Yeah, I guess so.
Emma: Come on, let's go to our class. (Emma grabbed her arm and dragged her to the class.
When they arrived at the door, Emma stopped, turned to Sandra and said:
Emma: Are you ready?
Sandra: (She nodded) Yes, I am.
Emma: Good! (She opened the door and they both walk into the class, Emma still holding Sandra's arm.)
Mr. Johnson (The teacher) looked at Sandra walked in the classroom. He noticed there will be a new student joining them.
Mr. Johnson: Wow! What a lucky day, we've got a new student joining us today. Let's give her a warm welcome! (But no didn't give her a warm welcome)
Mr. Johnson turned to the students and said "I said let's give her a warm welcome." (Everyone in the class started cheering and clapping for Sandra, welcoming her to the class.)
Mr. Johnson: Alright, everyone. (Mr. Johnson looked pointed at Sandra) Come up here and introduce yourself to everyone!
Sandra: (She walks to the front of the room and gives a hesitant smile and a wave to everyone.) Hi everyone. I'm Sandra Prescott, and I'm 14 years old. This is my first day at Birchfield High and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
Mr Johnson: (He clapped for her and smiled) Wonderful introduction! Thank you, Sandra. (He turned to the students) Would anyone like to ask her a question?
Olivia: (She raised her hand)
Mr. Johnson said, Alright, Olivia, what's your question?
Olivia: (She stands up) Where did you buy your dress? It looks really cute.
Sandra: Oh, my auntie brought it for me.
Olivia: (she smiled) Oh, it really suits you.
Sandra: (She chuckled softly) Oh, thanks.
Olivia: No problem.
Mr. Johnson: Alright, Olivia take your seat.
*Olivia sit down at her seat.*
Mr. Johnson: Anymor- (Before Mr. Johnson could finish his sentence, Mason stepped inside the classroom and handed the papers to Mr. Johnson, who quickly thanked him and began sorting them.
Mason: No problem.
Mr. Johnson: oh and right uhm, can you do me another favor?
Mason: Yeah, sure. What is it?
Mr. Johnson: So, I have to run to another meeting, could you keep an eye on the class while I'm gone?
Mason: Sure, no problem.
Mr. Johnson: (He smiled at Mason) Thank you, Mason. (He put the papers on his desk and turned to the students) Alright, class. You can ask Sandra some few more questions and don't be mean to her. (He grabbed his briefcase) and please behave while I'm gone. (He looks at Sandra) And, you will be sitting next to Mason.

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