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He searches desperately for her, his voice shaking as he makes an announcement, pleading with the crowd to help him find his wife.
"Allah, Allah my wife. Allah my wife"

"Allah help me find Taehyung. Please Allah help me"

The sacred atmosphere of Hajj intensifies their emotions, turning their separation into a spiritual trial.

Hours feel like an eternity as they both cry and pray fervently in front of the Ka'aba, seeking solace and strength from their faith.
"Allah, please help me pass this test. Give me sabar. I believe you, I trust you, i have faith in you, you won't let her get hurt. "

Eventually, a kind-hearted pilgrim notices Y/n's distress and try to talk to her but y/n was not in her sense. She couldn't process what she was saying.
Lady: miss, Is something wrong? Are you lost?

Y/n: (no answer just cry)

Lady: do you speak English? Where is your I'd?

Y/n: (you search for your ID but it seems like you lost it) it-it was here. I lost it. How am i supposed to find Taehyung now? (Your eyes were swelled from crying by now)

Lady: calm down dear, I'll help you.

Few moments later, you calmed down.
You told her everything. She guides you to a nearby lost and found center.
During your way to there, she starts to tell you about herself.

Lady: I am Maira from Zimbabwe. I have 6 children, and all of them are.....blind.
(Few min silence) Its my 7th child (touches her belly), I came to ask Allah to give atleast this creation of his, view of world.

Y/n- Ameen (whispered while sniffing). It might be hard for you.

Lady: tbh nah, as 5 of my child are hafiz e Quran, one is on her way to be like them, Alhamdulillah.

Meanwhile, security leads Taehyung to the same place, having heard his announcement and recognizing the anguish in his voice.

As they finally reunite at the lost and found center, Taehyung's heart feels like it might burst with relief.

He rushes to y/n's side, enveloping her in a tight embrace, his own tears mingling with hers."Y/n," he breathes, his voice choked with emotion. "I was so worried. I thought I lost you."

Y/n clings to him, burying her face in his chest as she sobs uncontrollably. "I thought I'd never find you again," she whispers, her words muffled against his shirt.

The kind-hearted lady who helped y/n looks on with a smile, feeling a sense of fulfillment in witnessing their reunion. She nods to the security personnel, acknowledging their efforts in bringing them together.

Taehyung pulls back slightly, cupping y/n's tear-streaked face in his hands. "O Allah, I am grateful to you. Y/n, I am sorry. (Sniffs) I am sorry. Please forgive me," he says, his voice trembling with sincerity. "I should have been more careful, more aware of our surroundings. Please forgive me"
"It wasn't your fault. Seems like Allah was testing our faith."

Taehyung presses a tender kiss to y/n's forehead, his lips lingering as if to imprint the moment into eternity. "Alhamdulillah," he murmurs against her skin, his breath mingling with hers in a silent prayer of gratitude, "for bringing us together, for blessing our love with the light of faith."

Y/n's heart swells with love, her soul singing with the echoes of their shared devotion. "SubhanAllah," she whispers in response, her voice a melody of reverence and affection, "for the beauty of our love, for the strength of our faith, for the mercy of Allah that binds us together."

They were so into each other that they even forgot their surroundings. The moment of realisation hitted them, they looked around for the lady, but she was nowhere to be seen. They thanked the security and officials of the centre amd asked about the lady. And were told she left.

Both of you, stayed close to each other throughout the journey.

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MY PRECIOUS ft. Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now