Chapter 1

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Y/N = Your name
E/c = Eye colour


"Your time's up. Please put your pens down and wait quietly while I collect your papers." Mr Sim, your teacher said nonchalantly.

You let out a sigh as you put down your pen. Happy at the fact that your last examination for the term is finally finished. You turned to your friend to signal how she had done and all you see is her showing a face of misery. "I'm cooked" she mouthed out as you stifled a laugh.

"All right! Congratulations on finishing your last paper. Have a weekend and see you on Monday! You are dismissed." The quiet classroom turned noisy as soon as your teacher left the classroom. Everyone discussing their answers or asking each other how they had done.

"Finally our last exam for the term is done!" Your friend, Aki exclaimed. Your 2 other friends, Andre and Fumiko came by to your classroom to discuss about the test answers. "Since our examinations are finished, why don't we eat out?" You initiated the idea.

"Sorry but I'm going out with my boyfriend." Andre replied to you. "Me too" "Me three" All of them replied one by one. They gave you a half hearted smile and apologised. "What happened to Bros before hoes?" You crossed your arms and frowned slightly. They shrugged their shoulders. All of you picked up your bags and made your way out to the school building.

As you stroll out from school, you were sad that your friends had gone out with their plus ones but what could you do? All of them were extroverted and outgoing while you were socially awkward when talking with anyone but your close friends and parents.

You've had many failed talking stages because of this and all of the boys you had talked to said the same thing. "She's too awkward" "she's too boring". It hurted your pride and ego but you couldn't do anything about it. So instead of devoting your time to relationships, you spent most of your time dancing and studying. Your grades were almost all A's. Thus, you were good in dancing as well. Many people envived you and wondered why you hadn't gotten a plus one yet or have you?

You sighed as you walked your way to the bus shelter. Your school was out of town as the place you lived in had a bad reputation and barely had any schools. Your parents had to move there as they could not find any apartments nearby their workplace.

You boarded the bus and sat down on the available seat, trying to put your bag beside the you when all of a sudden, a boy from your school tried to sit beside you.

"Hey can I sit here? The bus is kinda full and my bag is quite heavy" He said and smiled sheepishly. You turned your head at him and realised who he was. It was Shuto. The playboy of your school. You nodded at him and allowed him to sit beside you.

"I've never seen you before. Are you a first year?" He turned his head towards you and asked. "Yeah" You replied dryly trying to signal him that you weren't interested in talking with him at all.

"What's your name?" He asked you once again. "Y/N". You replied, boredness lacing your voice. He kept on asking you endless questions which annoyed you out.

"Oh looks like my stop is here see you in school" You said as you pressed the 'stop' bell by the window and quickly scurried out. "Wait!" Shuto yelled as he followed behind you. You turned to him and stood still, waiting for his reply.

"Let's exchange numbers. I want to get to know you more." He said as he took out his phone. Eyes yelling out with desperation. You shook your head and walked faster.

He tailed you like a stray dog and kept on chanting your name like a broken recorder. As you tried to take the shorter route home, Shuto grabbed your wrists and pulled you into a dark alley. "I said let's exchange numbers." He once again said but sternly this time. "I have a boyfriend." You said.

'Shit why did I say that.' You thought

"I don't believe that." He smirked and gripped your wrists tightly causing you to yelp a little. You tried to break free from his grip but it was hopeless. "Let go of me!" You yelled. He laughed at you as he was about to bring his free hand to your cheek.

You kicked his shin hard which caused him to groan and let go of your wrists. You took this opportunity and ran away as fast as you could. Shuto quickly got up and chased after you. You huffed and puffed trying to search someone for help but for some reason no one was in the streets right now. Then, at the corner of your eye, you saw a black coloured uniform with a green collar.

'Aren't they from bofurin? Perfect.'

You slowed down your running pace and walked briskly towards the guy with the black coloured uniform, only to realise his friends were there. Two of them were bickering and the other one just stared at them amusingly. "Y/N!" Shuto shouted out as he walked towards you, out of breath. The three of them faced you and looked at you with confusion. You walked to the boy nearest to you and hugged him.

"Finally where were you!" You said out loud as you looked up slowly at the guy you hugged. His brown eyes staring at your e/c ones with confusion. His eyepatch and earrings caught your eye and on top of that, his features complimented him so well. "Please help me." You whispered to him in desperation. Before he could reply you back, Shuto had started talking.

"So this is your boyfriend?" He asked you as he side eyed the eyepatched boy.

'Eyepatch boy please play along I'm begging you'

"Yes I am her boyfriend." He replied calmly. His voice catching you off guard. As he moved his free hand down to hold your hand. The action making your blood rush to your face.

"What! You didn't tell us!" The guy with the different hair colour yelled out. His face as red as a tomato. "Suo-san I didn't know you were dating." The yellow haired replied with shock evident in his face.

"Well now you know!" The guy supposedly named Suo replied back to them.

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