thankfull man

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''malia is everything packed already?'' stiles yalled from the bathroom. ''yes'' malia answered. ''stiles, you're not going to fight some weird supernatural creature are you?'' mr stilinski asked as he got in to the room. ''no dad, we really are going camping'', ''only this time it's just the two of us'' malia added. ''okey just... promise me you'll be carefull'' ''we're promise'' malia said instaid of stiles. ''ok guys, have fun'' ''thanks dad'' stiles said with a goofy smile on his face.

''i can't belive we're finaly getting some time for ourselves, we can eat smors-'' "and meet" malia added "and meet" stiles agreed putting his hand around her waist "and have tons of sex obviously" malia said smiling "of course" stiles replied.
"You don't know how thankful I am that you guys changed me back" malia said with a thankful smile "trust me babe, I'm more thankful for that then anything" stiles said kissing her nose and then her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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