some time alone

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it was one day after they got back from mexico, they were in bad, just finished their love making, they were cuddeling and stiles was the big spoon, he huged her tight, REALLY TIGHT. ''stiles, it's not that i don't like it, becouse i do, but why are holding me so tight?'' malia asked with a big grin on her face. ''i don't know, i just want you to be close to me''. ''but i am close to you'',''i know, i know, i'm sorry, i guess i just don't want you to leave'' he said sincerely. ''stiles'' she said as she set up ''i would never leave you behind'' he smiled and carresed her face ''i'll never live without you'' he said, they're both using eachothers words. ''mabe we just need some time to ourselves'' he said ''some time alone'' she agreed and fell asleep in his arms.

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