Mission - Chapter 1

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Blood and bodies, its difficult to think that this was done by a regular human being, but we really can't tell who did-all we know is that they knew these people are one of us. It was clear what's the purpose of this massacre, this meant war.

"Ellie, inform Papa about this." I told Ellie, one of my subordinates. She left almost immediately after I said that. I am left here to investigate farther, I wanted to find something-a clue of some sorts. Circling through the radius of the massacre I saw something familiar.

"My ring..." I mumbled. This can't be, it can't be him. No, this must not be mine, this could someone else's. "Hey there, love," My blood runs cold, shivers runs throughout my body hearing that voice again. "It's good to know you still recognize your engagement ring." I froze on the spot-feeling him walking nearer towards me. I felt my breath hitched when he got near me. I feel him caress me and I couldn't move to even stop him.

"Do you like my surprise, love?" He whispers near my ear. I wanted to breakdown the moment he got near me. "Why the scared face, love? Are you scared of me, my love?" He chuckles as if amused by my fear of him. "Joaquin, please don't, please." I whimpered to him. That only made him happy even more.

"My love, if you hadn't left me then this wouldn't have this fear of me." Tears start to pool in my eyes. I want him to leave, to disappear-to be out of my life, completely. "Just come back to me, love. And all of this fear will turn back to love again, I promise." I shake my head to him-my eyes piercing at him.

No I will not back down in a corner just because of him. No matter how awful those memories he has given me, I'll never back down again. The old Solène is gone already.

"No, I will not go back to that motherfucking life you prisoned me before!" I spat at his face. My voice was laced with anger and fear. I don't want to be back, I don't want to be with him again. "Then you will take the consequences." He said darkly.

I scoffed-mocking him. "You can't even hurt me now, what consequence do you mean, hmm?" I was smirking from ear to ear but soon enough that smirk was wiped out of my face. He is laughing hysterically, that made me feel uneasy. "Oh yes, I could never hurt you but I can't say the same for your people, for your family." I paled at the thought of him scheming for my people and family's lives.

"Don't you dare touch anybody I know, Joaquin!" My words were laced with warning to him. But he just smiled it off. "What are you gonna do about it, Solène? What? You gonna kill me like you do with your other lovers?" He smiled as if he knows something. "We both know you can't do that to me, Sol. You never had the guts to do so, My Sol." He touches my face and I just stood there, just letting him be.

He was just touching him in places I don't want him touching me but what he does next was unexpected. I felt something sharp injected on my neck all of a sudden. "What did you do?" I weakly ask him. He said nothing and just gave me a smile before I finally lost consciousness.


I didn't realized that it was this easy to get you back my dear Sol, but you need not to worry I'll make sure that this time you are not going to leave me again. Ever. "Hey! What did you do to my Hermana?" I look up to whom just spoke. I saw that it was her brother, alongside many other assassins with him. "I shall be taking what is rightfully mine, Khael!" I took off after shouting that to them as my declaration.

They were chasing just right behind me but I was faster, I lost them under 3 minutes without even trying hard. Pathetic.

I need to get us out of here, I have to get us out here. Because I can feel them already here, surrounding us, just waiting for a moment of weakness. I moved faster than I did in the beginning. "Hmng..." I hear her moan in her sleep. She's starting to wake up, the drug is wearing off.

Faster and faster-I ran and jumped through buildings like there is no tomorrow. Finally after a long travel, we arrived at the house we once lived in, it was our home but now it is nothing but a hollowed house.

I went inside, still carrying her in my arms. I took a step inside the house and a wave of nostalgia courses through me. I really missed this place, it feels like yesterday when we were just here, just loving each other. I walked us up the stairs and into our old room. I laid her gently on the bed and made sure she is comfortable.

I went down afterwards and started to prepare what we were going to eat for dinner. I have a smile on my face the whole time I was preparing our food.

"Finally," I smiled. "Home, sweet, home."

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