Abducted - Chapter 2

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Secrets aren't uncommon for me and my folks, it's more of a staple thing to do in my household but when I met her everything in my life changed. As if the clock has turned backwards in the world, my life has took a turn for the good- at least that's what I think is happening. 

But y'know what? My only regret is...I didn't fought enough to push through that life. I knew that the life that I have, the life that I grew up in will scare her, she might or will leave me but it's okay, I'm used to people leaving but this is different. She's different. 

This God damn woman makes me feel as if I'm unable to do that because of all the things she does every day. Every freaking day I fall for her just a little more and it's giving me and making me feel things I'm not supposed to feel. 

But I regret none of it since I had you, and only for a short wile before you caught up with me and my string of deceit. I tried to coil you in with sweet lies but nothing stopped the bitter truth that oozes out of this show that I act in.

"Sign the damn f**king papers, Joaquin!" She practically screamed at me before throwing the God-forsaken papers at my face. A few days went by after she found out the truth and had left our house, I received a mail for me and it wasn't something I had expected. "No, I am not signing any papers, Solène." I see the tears welling up in her eyes and it breaks me to see her in this state because of me.

"Why is it so hard for you to just sign papers, Joaquin? Why?" My face softened and my knees start to feel weak. "Because signing it would mean the end of me." I walked towards her and knelt in front of her, tears rolling down my eyes. "Please, bambina, don't do this...please, don't, please..." My voice cracks and breaks begging for her but she won't budge, she won't bend or break. 

Without any other choice or option I succumbed to her again but this time, this will be the last for the lifetime. 

I never regret meeting you that day, I regret nothing when I was loving you but I regret for letting you go without fighting harder...






All I ever wanted was a simple and normal life, something that is not my family. I don't want any more of those k*llings, I don't want any of those constant worry I have to feel whenever someone has to leave because someone need to be saved, I don't want a Hero....

And so I found myself a Villain, because villains don't care, villains don't have to constantly have to leave to save anybody, they don't care. But as time went on this Villain started to act as a Hero, I hated that idea. 

"Ma'am, the papers are here." Stella handed me the papers. I knew what was inside this envelope before I opened it, I was about to open it up and confirm my thought but Eli barged in before I even do that. "Eli, something you need?" Concern was evident on her face. That made me worry, I feel weird in the gut and I swear something is wrong. 

"Joaquin is on a rampage." That alerted me and I hastily left to check. "Ellie, you go inform Papa about this, he has to know about what happened here." I instructed her. I surveyed the place and saw nothing there but one thing. "My ring...." I knew Joaquin is near by, he always is. 

A few words were said and exchanged but it only stopped when he made it stop. "What did you do?" I look at him but he didn't say a word until I feel my consciousness slowly fade away my grasp. I only got it back but I feel my blood run cold when I saw the familiar view in front of me. "My love, you're awake, here I prepared food for you." I held my breath and stayed still as he placed the food in front of me. I just stared at him, blank but meaningful. 

"Please, let me be, Joaquin." I begged him, tears welling up in my eyes. "Joaquin, please." I held his hands tight in my grasp. I can't be with him again. I just can't, because if I did I'll be drowned by him. I'll be drowned and nobody can save me once he drowns me. "Is it really hard for you to let me back in again?" I can hear the pain in his voice as he asked me that question. "I waited patiently for two years to get our divorce, Joaquin." I look at him sternly. "I just had my freedom, please Joaquin, don't take it back again." I knew he can't say no to me but I also know that he can't and won't let me go easily. 

His eyes is sharp and deadly as if I'm being openly dissected by his eyes alone. "God has to physically separate you and I for me to let go of you, that was the vow I took in front of that altar and in that church, and I plan on fulfilling that vow until God says me to stop." He told me and I gave up all hope from the moment those words left his mouth. "Okay..." And once more I folded and did what he wishes, like an obediently little puppy, his little play thing. 

"That's my good girl." I shivered in disgust hearing him call me that. "Eat now, I cooked." I have to think of a way to get away from here, I can't just let this happen, I really can't. In this time, I wished there is a Hero to come and save me. 

Please, somebody save me. Please.....


Author speaking...

sorry for the short update this was kind rushed, I hope my hanybees are doing well, work hard and rest well my dear bees! I love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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