Chapter 4

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Koba and the two apes swung from branch to branch after the two cars in the woods making it to the bridge back to San Francisco. They watched from the top of the rusted bridge as the cars made it to an entrance.

A man came out and watched as the cars came to a stop, walking over to Malcom.

"Did you find it?" The man asked. Malcom looked back with a worried expression. "We need to talk," he said nodding his head slightly. "What? What's wrong?" The man asked, looking at the others in the car.

"The um.. the dam's pretty much intact and can probably still be generating power for us within a week. But there's a problem. Get in," Malcom said as the man got in the passenger seat next to him.

"I shot him. I was scared, I didn't know what to do—" the man who shot Ash started. "Jesus Christ," the man who got in the car mumbled looking back at Malcom. "How many were there?" He asked. "There were a lot, there were like eighty—" "At least," the woman added. "Okay, you're not hearing what he's saying. They spoke—" "That is not possible—" "I'm telling you, Dreyfus, they did it was incredible—" "Incredible?! They're talking apes! With big ass spears!" "Please! I don't know exactly what you think you saw... or heard, b-but you have to calm down, okay?" Dreyfus said as the group shook their heads in defeat.

"What about the virus, Ellie?" Dreyfus asked turning his head to the woman. "Any chance of contagion?" "We're all genetically immune, or we would have been dead a long time ago," Ellie calmly replied. "You don't know that for sure," the man who shot Ash said turning his head to Ellie. "She worked with the CDC, she knows," Malcom said. "What are we going to do?" Ellie asked looking around the car for an answer. "I don't know. We need that power," Dreyfus said.

"He could have killed us, he didn't," Malcom said. "Maybe he kept us alive so they could follow us, they find out where we are, and they kill us all!" The man said, sweat running down his forehead. "Wha-what do you mean, he?" Dreyfus asked. "That's what we're trying to tell you, okay? It was unremarkable, unlike anything you've ever seen before. And the leader, he was remarkable," Malcom said, looking away from the road and at Dreyfus. "Really? Is that what you thought?" "It's what we saw!" "It's what we all saw," the boy said.

"They had a human girl, with them, Dreyfus!" Ellie said, grabbing the side of the driver's seat in front of her. "A-a what?" Dreyfus asked, not knowing what to say. "They did. Th-the leader was so protective of her, walking in front of her and keeping his eye on her when he realized we saw her. You could tell that they had a father-daughter relationship or something," Malcom rambled. "H-how old did she look? Did she have any scratches or bruises?" Dreyfus asked, now really worried. "No! She was perfectly healthy! We couldn't tell but I think she was eleven or twelve," Ellie said, now smiling in awe.

"Not a word of this back at the colony, you understand? I mean not a word until we can figure out what we can do," Dreyfus said, looking back and pointing at everyone's in the car. "You've gotta be kidding—" "No, I'm not kidding! I don't wanna create a panic," Dreyfus said, sitting back in his seat and looking at Malcom with a concerned expression.

The two cars continued through the overtaken city. The buildings were dark and empty, covered with vines and overgrown vegetation. They made it down to an open area where a few people were carrying containers before stopping right in front of the entrance to a large tall building.

"How ya doing, pal? You okay?" Malcom asked his son as they walked into the building. A few people passed them as they walked. "I dropped my bag," Malcom's son said sadly, looking up at his father. "I know," Malcom answered, looking back. "Was your sketchbook in there?" Ellie asked him as they walked. "It's gone," the boy answered.

"Carver just told me we're not gonna tell anybody what happened up there," One of the men who was in the other car said to Malcom, looking back at the man who shot Ash. "Not yet, no," Malcom answered.

The group walked through a main street that was filled with what was left of the human population of San Francisco.

Koba and the two apes hid on the roof of a building in front of the entrance to the large building that was in front of the apartments that the colony lived in. Koba and the chimps looked up above the building to see a glass tower in the process of being built.


Apes hooted and shrieked as Maurice went through the boy's sketchbook in a circle with Caesar, Rocket, Koba, Meadow, Blue Eyes, and Ash.

Must attack them now! Before they attack us! Koba signed with angry grunts. We don't know how many there are. How many guns they have? Maurice argued, looking up from the sketchbook. Or why they came up here? Meadow added.

Maurice grunted at one of the pages of the sketchbook. A photo of a woman was wedged between the crease of the two pages with an identical sketch next to it. It was a really good drawing. The woman in the photo had a tan complexion with light brown hair and a huge loving smile. A little boy rested his head on her shoulder.

Meadow looked down at the photo, lifting an eyebrow as Maurice slid the sketchbook over to Caesar to see. Caesar looked down at it with a stone expression, studying the photo of the woman.

They shot your son, Rocket! Don't you want to fight? Koba signed to Rocket, grunting angrily.

I follow Caesar, Rocket answered, grunting back at Koba.

Koba's right! Blue Eyes signed. Meadow hit his shoulder and gestured to their father as his expression became more annoyed.

The apes became louder and louder as they hooted and grunted. They almost killed you, Ash! Koba signed, grunting as he looked over at the young ape.

Rocket grunted and hooted angrily at Koba as Caesar looked down to the ground angrily.

"No!" Caesar yelled and the entire group went quiet. Everyone looked down and back at Caesar as a fire crackled in the background.

If we go to war... We could lose all we've built... Caesar signed, looking around at the other apes. "Home. Family," He softly said, nodding his head as he looked around. Caesar looked over at Koba and lifted his head. "Future," He added. The group was silent.

I will decide by morning, Caesar signed, looking around at the surrounding apes before getting up. Everyone doing the same. Koba looked down at the ground not getting up.

Meadow and Blue Eyes made their way up the path to the treehouse. Caesar close behind.

"C-Caesar," Koba spoke behind him. Caesar stopped and slowly turned to look back at the ape. For years I was a prisoner in their lab... They cut me... Tortured me. Koba started with low grunts. You freed me. I would do anything you ask. Caesar glared at Koba, knowing where this would be going. But we must show strength!

We will, Koba. Caesar signed, reaching his arm out as Koba grabbed it.

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