1 - Dusk to Dawn

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AprilBangalore, India

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Bangalore, India

Aarav's POV

As the morning sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, I found myself seated at the head of the boardroom table, surrounded by the top executives of Singhania Corporations. It was just another day in the bustling tech city of Bangalore, where deals were made and broken with the flick of a pen.

I straightened my tie, trying to shake off the lingering sense of unease that had settled in the pit of my stomach. Today was a big day - the culmination of months of negotiations and countless sleepless nights. Today, we were sealing the deal that would catapult Singhania Corporations to even greater heights.

The doors swung open, and in walked Mr. Gupta, the CEO of the company we were about to acquire. He was a shrewd businessman, known for his ruthless tactics and sharp wit. But today, he seemed almost jovial as he took his seat opposite me.

"Good morning, Aarav," he greeted, his voice dripping with false cheerfulness. "Are we ready to make history?"

I forced a smile, masking the turmoil raging within me. "Absolutely, Mr. Gupta. Let's get down to business."

And so, the meeting began. PowerPoint presentations were exchanged, numbers were crunched, and hands were shaken. It was all a carefully choreographed dance, each step bringing us closer to our goal.

Finally, it was time to sign the papers. With a flourish, I scrawled my signature across the dotted line, sealing the deal that would change the course of Singhania Corporations forever. The room erupted into applause, but all I could feel was a hollow emptiness gnawing at my insides.

As I made my way out of the meeting room, I couldn't shake the feeling of bitter disillusionment that had settled over me like a dark cloud. What was the point of it all? What was the point of these deals and acquisitions if they left me feeling empty and hollow inside?

And then, just as I was about to step into the elevator, my grandfather's voice echoed in my mind. "You're next in line, Aarav. You'll be taking over as Chairman soon."

The weight of those words hit me like a ton of bricks. Chairman. The very thought sent a shiver down my spine. It was a position of power and prestige, one that I had been groomed for since birth though I didn't like it. But now, as I stood on the cusp of that reality, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over me.

As I stepped into the sleek boardroom, I could feel the anticipation crackling in the air. My heart pounded in my chest as I took my seat at the table, ready to present the deal, we sealed, that could propel Singhania Corporations to new heights.

"Gentlemen, thank you for gathering here today," I began, my voice steady despite the nerves gnawing at my insides. "I am pleased to announce that we have secured a partnership with one of the leading tech giants in Silicon Valley."

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