7 - Crossworlds

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Jaipur, IndiaApril

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Jaipur, India

Rhea's POV

I hear faint footsteps and groan, turning over on the bed. It takes me a few seconds to adjust to the sunlight streaming through the open curtains. I pull the comforter over my eyes, trying to block out the light and get a little more sleep.

A knock at the door startles me. Clearing my throat, I call out, "Kaun hai?" My voice is hoarse, and there's no reply. Maybe they didn't hear me.

Tying my hair into a messy bun, I walk to the door and ask again, "Who is it?" My throat feels dry and scratchy.

"Ma'am, room service," a woman's voice replies. I relax a bit, but as I unlock the door and open it, a hand grabs me from the left. I turn, perplexed, to see my cousin, Ayush. His grip is tight, and I know immediately that my father somehow found me.

"Ayush? Leave me!" I try peeling his fingers off my wrist, but his hold is too tight, enough to leave a bruise. I plant my feet firmly, but with one tug, I'm trailing behind him. We reach the elevator, and I press my hand against the door to stop us from going inside.

"Stop doing it!" Ayush says, prying my fingers off the wall. Once he succeeds, he pulls me through and stands at the door, guarding it so I can't escape.

"Why are you doing this?" I stagger against the elevator wall as the door closes, my eyes welling up with tears. He looks away from me, avoiding my gaze.

"I had no choice," he says in a hard voice. I grab his collar, forcing him to face me.

"What do you mean by choice? How did you find me?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"If you think we wouldn't know if you're in the same city as your father, you clearly underestimated him," he replies.

"Why are you doing this? What does he want this time?" I ask tiredly, feeling the weight of my constant struggles bearing down on me. I give up on my protests, knowing it's futile.

"You'll know when you meet him," Ayush says, his face filled with sympathy and a sad smile on his lip.

I stare at Ayush, my heart pounding in my chest. The elevator ride feels eternal, each second stretching out as I grapple with the reality of my situation. My father found me. Again.

The elevator dings and the doors slide open. Ayush's grip tightens as he leads me out and into the lobby and I notice people staring. Their curiosity feels like judgment, but I keep my head down, avoiding their eyes. My mind races, searching for a way out, but there's no escape. 

"Ayush, please," I plead one last time, my voice cracking. But he doesn't even glance at me, his jaw set in determination.

We step outside, and a sleek black car is waiting at the curb. Ayush opens the door and gently but firmly pushes me inside. The car's interior is cool, a stark contrast to the heat of Jaipur. I sink into the seat, feeling a mix of anger and resignation wash over me.

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