Chapter 2

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In morning Pratihi woke up first. She rub her eyes and move her bunny ears with lazy mode. She was laying under a masculine tattooed aManav like a tiny cotton ball. She smiles and about to give him a kiss but stopped when she saw him moving indicating he's about to wake. Pratihi remembered the last incident she felt a little scared and turned into her bunny foManav. Reyansh spread his aManavs for the person who was sleeping beside him a few secs ago. He open his eyes and adjust the light to see a bunny sitting beside him. He smile and sat on the bed while took her in his aManavs like a baby he rub his nose on her head and placed a soft kiss.

Reyansh: good morning my baby bunny? Don't be afraid you don't have to transfoManav yourself for me. I'm sor-

Suddenly they hear a door knock

Reyansh: who's there?

Aaryan: Shinigami (god of death in Japanese) brat I'm here to kill you

Reyansh: Aaryan bro!

Aaryan: you don't have to be scared jerk I know my Bun is with you now come downstairs with her Mom is calling huh.

After Aaryan left Reyansh took Pratihi in front of his face with a pout while Pratihi was just staring at him with her big beautiful doe eyes

Reyansh: my Bun (mimicking Aaryan) huh. Always I don't like that, I saAbhishek her, I feed her, she slept with me and she even love me then how could she be his. You're mine didn't it baby boo.

Getting no response Reyansh sigh and suddenly Pratihi lick his lips he smile with the response and hug the baby bunny

Reyansh: being Cutie hmm..hmm.. ahh Mom's calling let's go

He said and took Pratihi with him to daily routine and went downstairs.

Reyansh came downstairs while wearing a casual t-shirt and sweat pants with Pratihi. Everyone look at their direction and Aaryan rushed towards him and took Pratihi from him and started playing with her. Reyansh look at them not liking the activities and pouts internally while Mrs.Malhotra smile at him understanding the situation

Mrs.Malhotra: boys come sit here I called you all for a very important reason

Aaryan and Reyansh sat beside Mrs.Malhotra

Manav: Mom what's so important? Is everything ok?

Mrs.Malhotra smiles and then turns her face serious

Mrs.Malhotra: boys you know I always trust you.

All of them nod.

Mrs.Malhotra: do you guys know anything about our Bun

Kabir: Mom she's a baby bunny and her speciality is that she can turn into a human yeah I know it's very unnatural but that's it it's-

Mrs.Malhotra: no darling that's not it not even unnatural.

Prajit: Mom what-

Mrs.Malhotra: I'm saying the truth they have a really fantastic species like them and they were a lot in numbers long ago but humans started killing them or make them their slaves for their own needs and

Reyansh: and what Mom?

Mrs.Malhotra: they even have super powers

Everyone: what!!

They said and look at Pratihi who's playing with Aaryan's shirt button like an innocent baby.

Mrs.Malhotra: don't be afraid of her she's still innocent and they're not haManavful. Humans are haManavful for them they only use their powers for protection or protecting their loAbhishek ones

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