Chapter 1

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The Summer Sun was hot pounding down on Ashleigh as she was searching for her children's dog again. This was in the first time and she had a feeling this would never be the last time. She had asked her husband and her kids to help her find him when they left the door open or the damn dog to run away.
Her husband was dismissive of her concerns as usual tired was his excuse as always he just wanted to just sit on the recliner and play his phone.
When she asked her children to help her they were both on their phones as well and they said "you needed to get over it, and find the dog yourself, it's all you are good for anyways."
Ashleigh was used to this kind of treatment her family only saw her as a maid, a chef, and someone to breed with, and take care of the children.
She wasn't naive or stupid she knew that her choices led up to this type of life.
She got married with her husband when she was 24 years old out of desperation for a father for her daughter and out of that marriage came a son.
It didn't help that her family who always saw her as a black sheep guilted her into the marriage.
It was a small wedding organized by her ill and dying aunt. It was definitely not the wedding of her choice she just wanted to go to Las Vegas and get hitched.
Current guilded her into having her wedding at her family's Baptist Church even though she didn't even believe the way that her family believed.
She didn't like all the rules that came with her family's belief in the church. No dancing no drinking and the fact that she was bisexual would not have gone well received from the family.
In all honesty she was just waiting for her elder relatives to pass away before she came out to the rest of the family that she was bisexual.
This made her feel a lot of guilt she left her family she just also knew that they would not accept her for who she was.
Ashleigh was taken out of thoughts when she heard her large German Shepherd barking.
Even though she was a heavyset woman she started jogging towards the sound of his barking.
Just as she reached her dog there was a loud horn blaring from a midsize sedan and she whipped her head around to look at what was happening. Before she could get a good glance she ran right into a light post full force with her head.
Ashleigh knew that she was going to have a big goose egg before she blacked out.

A blue screen popped up in the darkness saying, "Welcome to your world, Beast system. Have fun being a god!"
A second screen popped up and said, "mission: get your first Mate. Reward your first home. Punishment: no sense of smell for a week."
The third screen that popped up,"mission: build a family. Reward: followers. Punishment: no sense of taste for 3 days."
Coming out of the darkness that was her dream. She woke up in a clearing with three other women and a delicate young girl.

One of the women looked fierce with tattoos all over she gave Ashleigh the feeling of a beautiful gangster girl. Her red and black hair was mesmerizing.

Another woman one was loud and had a poor attitude her beauty was mared by the way she was whining and throwing a temper tantrum.

The last woman looked cold and calculating and was looking around to assess our situation she was of black and maybe Asian decent.
The young girl was dazed and frightened I felt for her she was still young and naive. You could tell she was Asian and having a bit of shock.

I slowly got up and made my way to the young little Asian girl, I knelt down and asked " are you okay sweetheart?"

She stared up at me with her big eyes pooling with tears and asked. "Where are we?"
"I don't know sweetheart. Last thing I remember was chasing after I stupid dog and hitting my head on a lamp post I think I passed out afterwards." I answered her in all honesty.
I then asked " are you okay? are you hurt anywhere?"
She patted herself down and said " I am fine I fell down a ditch. My name is Bai QingQing you are?"
I thoughts started swirling I just read a web novel and followed up the the comic to a story with that name.
"Well shit!? I am Ashleigh you can call me Ash. I think we all should run there will be wolf's coming soon."
I then got up with everybody's eyes on me and started running, I might be a fat girl but I can run like a linebacker.
I heard the footsteps behind me and I was soon passed by a couple of the girls.
That was okay. I was going to let them get ahead of me. Cuz I was not going to stick with that to death Star I've read enough of the book and comprehended enough of the book to know that wherever Bai QingQing went trouble is soon to follow.
I did not want anything to do with that if this is what I thought it was then I am going to stay as far away from them as possible.

I started thinking of all the transmigration and rebirth stories that I've read throughout the years trying to escape my life.
I started feeling the hair at the back of my neck prickle I knew danger was near. That's when I saw him a big ass there a brown bear it was cute but even though I was part of the Cree Nation bear tribe I wasn't about to go and boop the snoot or try and cuddle it, so it did look cuddly sort of.
My fight or flight was fully activated and I froze mustering up all my courage I asked "beast man or beast?"
The bear paused gave me a question look and then transformed into a big man fully nude.
I squealed and excitement and ran up to the man or should I say beastman and hugged him like a koala bear.
The poor boy turned a beet red and then asked me "what are you doing out here? where your males?"
I couldn't help but fib and say "my male is no longer with me nor my cubs. I'm in here with four other females all of us unmated."
I detached myself from him and start pulling him towards the other girls. I then paused and took off my and took off my sweater wrapping it around his lower half to cover him.
We then proceeded to follow where there was a bunch of growls.
The scene that we came upon was a leopard fighting a bunch of wolves and four girls perched up into a tree.
I looked at the bearman and said"I'll take that so you can help if you want."
He blessed and then handed me my sweater and transformed back into a bear.
Him and Parker made quick disposal of the wolves.
The bears then came trotting back up to me and I couldn't help myself I petted his fur and boopped his snoot saying "you're such a good boy!?"

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