Chapter 15

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~~Jay's POV~~
I was running down the many stairs that led up to the monastery. I needed to get to the Wyldness as fast as I could, true I couldn't get there fast enough on foot so I went down to the dragon stables from the cave entrance.

So I took the lighting dragon, the one they called Jiro. His color was mainly a darker blue with yellowish gold accents.

"C'mon won't be too long, I promise" I whispered to the dragon.

"Then again..I don't have a permit to ride a dragon...but...I don't work for the administration anymore so I think I'm in the clear" I whispered again.

Just then I heard a growl, thinking it was from a dragon, I turned around. Only to find a girl, with fiery red hair sleeping next to a dragon. 'What in the merged lands?' I thought to myself.

Why would anyone who is in a right mind would they sleep in a stable? There were so many questions running through my head, my head started hurting.

I quickly hopped onto Jiro, and flew through the cave opening towards the Wyldness, with the scroll in hand.

~~Lloyd's POV~~
I glanced back to see if Ras was actually behind me. What the- there was nothing there, why would Jay do that I thought to myself. What is going on.

Just then my head started aching, my hands flew up to my head as I cradled it. My eyes widened in fear as I felt as if I blacked out.




My eyes reopened as I stood up again. All around me was red, a never ending space. I felt all my emotions bubbling to the surface as I took deep breaths.

Just then it went black, then it was red again...I saw a huge dragon...not as big as a source dragon. But a very big dragon flying up towards the Blood moon, stopping just in front of it. Looking down towards me.

I tried moving but I couldn't, it was as if I had forgotten how to move. Then it fired at me, a light blue fire it seemed. I couldn't move and I had let it hit me.

I started screaming, feeling all the pain I had experienced through my childhood specially. Then the heat caught on. I hit the floor with my eyes squeezed shut.

My eyes opened again, trying to readjust to the lighting. The dragon had disappeared, and I was standing all alone again. Then I saw Zane, Cole, and four others. Fighting what appeared to be the same wolf masked figure I had seen a few hours ago.

I watched as I couldn't do anything, only seeing them start to lose and to fail. Then they were dog piled, by the warriors. And it went black again.

I opened my eyes once again, and found myself in the gaming room. I could've swore I was just in the hall by the doors, how did I get in here? I thought to myself. I sat up and saw Zane in the kitchen.

"Zane?" I asked rubbing my head.

"Oh..good morning Lloyd" Zane replied with a smile.

"How did I end up on the couch?" I asked throwing my legs over the side of the couch and standing up.

"Oh, well Kai found you on the floor and brought you in here" Zane answered turning away from the stove.

"Oh..." I said looking towards the floor. " don't know if I did anything?" I asked Zane, scared that they might know about the visions.

"Well, from what Kai told me...he said that you were on the floor, screaming "no" while tossing and turning" Zane replied once again as he turned back around to flip the pancakes.

"Oh..." I said trailing off, maybe they don't know about the visions yet.

Just then Kai and Nya walked in talking to each other. Nya looked at Zane then to me, like I wouldn't notice. Zane just gave a look and continued making breakfast.

"Lloyd!" Nya yelled running towards me.

"Hey Nya" I said returning her hug.

"How are ya bud" Kai said ruffling my hair.

"Heyy...I'm fine" I said trying to fix my hair again.

"BREAKFAST!" Zane yelled.

Not even 5 seconds later, everyone came running in. The first was Cole followed by Arin, Wyldfyre, Sora, and finally Harumi.

"Harumi!" I yelled running to her.

"Oh Hey Lloyd" She responded returning my hug.

"Where have you been?" I asked confused.

"I was umm...thinking" she hesitated.

What was wrong with her? Just then as the others sat down Garmadon walked in. He had a look that would have made me scared. He looked like he was up to something, but I couldn't tell what.

But when Harumi turned around, it was like the blood left her body, and she froze. What would have happened between them? I swear if he hurt her. I thought growling.

Kai must have heard me since he came up to me.

"Lloyd? Are you sure you're ok" Kai asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yea...I'm fine" I said gritting my teeth.

"If you say so bud" Kai said turning around.

"Come join us, Master" Arin said with a bright smile.

I'm glad Arin is finally ok, it would have killed me inside if he wasn't. I nodded at my student as I sat down next to Harumi.

"Are you ok Rumi?" I whispered, while everyone else was talking.

I laid my hand on hers as she looked at me. Her eyes sparkling, as she answered me.

"I don't know anymore" she also whispered looking down.

"Hey...everything will be okay...if my father did any—" I was saying before she cut me off.

"Your father didn't do anything" she replied quickly.

"Oh...then...what?" I asked concerned now.

"It's just...just that..." she started saying before someone else spoke.

"Wait....Where is Jay?" Nya asked standing up.

Come to think it, I haven't seen him since last night. Before my vision...

"Yeah now that you mention it...where did he go?" Kai replied.

"Wait..."I said before running off.

"Lloyd?" Harumi said running after me.

"Where are they going" I heard Cole say behind me.

"I don't know?...but maybe it has something to do with Jay?" Arin also said while running too.

I made it down to the Dragon stables...and I knew it.

"ARGHH!!" I yelled kicking a rock.

"I should've seen it!" I yelled again crouching to the ground.

"Lloyd...what's wrong?!" Nya yelled coming up to me.

"Lloyd what should you have seen?" Rumi also asked crouching down too.

" Jay has been acting weird from the start.." I started saying.

"What do you mean?" Nya asked confused.

Everybody else came running in, also confused.

"Lloyd, why did you run?" Kai said catching his breath.

"Jay has been faking it" I said bluntly.

*To be continued*

Hello has been awhile since chapter 14....I hope yall enjoyed this chapter...and Yessss, I left yall on a cliffhanger. Hehehe I'm so amazing like that lol....anyways tell me what yall think.
Bye for now 😁😁

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