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The Performance and show in general went great, like always. And like the director had asked me to, I looked for a kid in the audience that I wanted to become my friend.

After the show had ended, I walked over to the kid I wanted to befriend.
"Hello!", I say to her happily and the girl turns around. "Hii!! I loved your Show! It was amazing!!", she responded.
"Thank you so much!! I wanted to ask you if you'd like to be my friend?", I told her happily. She smiled at me and answered:" I would love to be your friend!"

We then walked behind the circus tent and sat down on the lawn, and started to talk a lot, like about our interests, about our dreams, stuff like that.
When it was maybe 9pm the Circus director walked over to us..

"Hello Chi, You need to come inside now because it's getting late. You can already go inside, I'll come a bit later", he told me, and because I was a very obedient kid, I said goodbye to my friend and went inside.

As I went inside I walked over to Ash and Ari and we talked for a good while until dinner was ready, however, I got pulled into a different room to eat..

The director looks at me and says:" Because today is your 13th birthday, we have made you a very special dinner for you to enjoy." I look at the "food" that is being served, and I feel like I am about to puke, but I try to not let it show and keep on smiling.

What I was being served were organs and human flesh. As I wonder where they got that from, I remember that the director stayed outside for a bit longer, there where my friend was sitting..

I turn to the smiling director and tell him, that I appreciate the special dinner, but I'm not hungry and ask him if I could eat it tomorrow.
He carefully nods and tells me that it is fine, as long as I eat it tomorrow.

After he said that I thanked him again and return to my tent, full of disgust by what they had tried to make me eat. "I'm not gonna be a cannibal and consume human flesh and organs!" I thought to myself.

I start packing my clothes and few other things that were important to me, such as a dagger Ash and Ari had gifted me.
Further more I packed bread, and water. The same evening I said a forever goodbye to Ash and Ari (They wanted to stay there, because the circus was very dear to them), and ran away.

I ran as fast and far as my legs would take me, And when I had ran for a good hour I saw a treehouse, and as that was the only place open for me to sleep in, I climbed into it and slept.

(And thank  you so much already for reading this far!!)

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