Chapter 1 - Simply (Preview)

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Name: Jaeger, Eren

Age: 16

Time Taken Into Custody: 12:35pm 12/01/15

Physical Description: Brown hair, Green eyes, 6'3", No facial hair, Lanky Stature, Nice ass

I quickly scribbled out the last part, a small defiant smile playing at my lips.  It was completely true, and I simply won't deny that, but I will make some attempt to remain professional about the whole situation, not for my own sake, but for Eren's. I placed the sheet in its file and stood, lifting my coffee cup from the table. The ceramic mug was cold against my fingers, which were already raw at the knuckles. Moving sluggishly over to my desk, I plopped down into the seat, a long needed sigh escaping my lips. I miss my boy.

"Long night, Levi?"

I turned, surprised by the sound of another voice. My hitched shoulders slumped upon seeing my fellow detective; Erwin Smith, a man who over the years, I had reluctantly allowed myself to grow close to. In contrast to my own... diminutive stature, Erwin was nothing short of a mountain of a man - and his eyebrows were nothing short of mountains of brow. I'd like to call him my equal, but I knew the man held more jurisdiction than I, and could not argue otherwise.

"You know how long we've been working on the Jaeger case. Now that we've actually got the boy here, I'm not planning on going home any time soon." I glared at him. The words were like vomit to my mouth, they burned my throat but left without a hint of hesitation. Not that they were entirely a lie; like hell, I would leave Eren alone.

A sly grin met his features, as he nodded in understanding. "Just don't work yourself into the ground, we need you 'round here."

"It's simply my way of working." I muttered.

"Simply this, simply that. Everything isn't as simple as you say." He chuckled, shaking his head.

With nothing more than I scoff, I stood and brushed past the man, making my way towards the holding cells. I didn't have to turn around to know that he followed close behind me, especially since only a moment later he spoke up again. "Explain to me again, why we haven't taken this boy home yet and we're keeping him here like a criminal. He's most likely emotionally scarred from the whole epidemic and should be at h--"

"He claims that if we try to take him home, he's just gonna go back to whoever was keeping him." I cut the other off, keen not to look at him as I spoke. As we approached a translucent brown door, I shoved my hand in my pocket and pulled out a ring of keys.

"Ah, Stockholm Syndrome?" No, simply love. Don't refer to it like it's some sort of mental disease.

"It's not uncommon with cases like these. A boy who's never really felt cared for at home, easy for the captor to manipulate." Vomit. Simply, vomit.

"But his parents say he's such a strong-willed kid, seems like he'd be a tough nut to crack." There was no 'cracking' involved. Love is love, men like you simply need to learn how to open your minds to the truth.

"This guy had him for 7 years. That's enough to time to grow your own nuts and crack 'em."

We walked into the front room, a holding cell branching off the wall besides me. The cell was empty, save for a wad of blanket which contained what I could only assume was a resentful young man.

"Well now, why are we hiding under there? I'm sure the heat radiating off that glare of yours is enough to keep you warm." Erwin mocked, referring to the pair of angry eyes that peeked out from the blankets.

Eren only stared harder, before pulling the blanket over his face. I made the choice to remain silent.

Erwin stepped forward, unlocking the cell door and letting himself inside. "C'mon, you can't stay in there forever. I'm sure you'd like to sleep somewhere more comfortable than a holding cell, tonight."

His eyes made a sudden reappearance. Followed by his nose, his mouth, then his entire head. His chestnut brown hair was knotted and stood in unflattering stances. His eyes were red and puffy, swelled with an undeniable dislike - no, hatred. Oh, how I'd missed those perfect green orbs, and how it pained me to see them so filled with agony. I knew he needed to be with me, again. I wanted nothing more than to scoop him up into my arms and make him happy again, but the time was not right. I had to wait. I had to wait for my boy.

Then, it happened. His perfect eyes met mine in a simply magical moment. They widened and in a second, I knew he was reassured. I knew he could breathe again. I knew he would soon come to me, again.

"Who is that?" His voice choked out, his innocent eyes wide and shimmering. Adorable. My little actor.

"That's Detective Levi. He's been trying to find you ever since you went away. Isn't that right, Levi?"

Eren suddenly perked up. "I'm not six. You don't need to talk like I am."

"Erwin. Would you leave me alone with the boy for a moment?"

"Levi, are y--"

"Let me rephrase; Erwin get the fuck out for a bit. Thanks." I could hear Eren suppress a giggle. Oh, his laugh. His sweet, musical laugh.

Erwin sighed as he stepped back out of the cell, locking it behind him again and heading back the way we'd came. "I'll be back in a bit, then."

Eren quickly stood, the blanket falling from around his shoulders and in a flash, his hands were clasped around the bars and his face pressed up against them. "Levi..." He whimpered.

Going as fast as I could, I pull my key ring from my pocket again, searching for the right one. As quick as I'd found it, the cell door was open and my boy was in my arms again, his arms tight around my waist and his face buried in my chest.

"Sh.. Eren. We need to be careful." I slowly guided him back into the cell, locking in behind myself and sitting him down on the floor.

"Levi. Levi, why am I here? Why would you bring me here? I want to be with you! I don't want to go home." He sobbed at my feet. I knew he wanted to be with me. Only I knew what my boy wanted; no one else.

"I know, Eren. We'll be home, soon, baby. But you need to trust me. Erwin was piecing things together, he was going to really take you away." I tucked
a discarded lock of hair behind his ear.

"But how are we going to get away?"

"Leave that to me, Pet." I kissed his forehead.

"Yes, Sir."


Sorry this is so short, I took a large chunk out of the chapter because I wanted this to be a bit of a trial run, or a preview. Just a taster, y'know? So let me know if you liked it, if you have any feedback, feel free to comment! Be harsh! 

The Common Case Of Stockholm Syndrome [Ereri - Yaoi]Where stories live. Discover now