Chapter 6

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'This contract must be renewed every six months. Monthly payment will be collected by my colleague Mr. Peralta. We will send you a reminder by email two days prior. Take your time, you can have a seat there while you read it. Call me when you're finished.'

Luna sat down, she grabbed the contract, her hands were trembling. She turned the pages and re-read it for the second time. Everything seems ok. This was her first big decision. All her life she has been guided of what to do and not what to. She reached for the pen and signed. This is it. Luna was on cloud nine. It felt like a dream, her own apartment at last. She went back to the orphanage. She looked for Sister Theresa and found her in the garden. They looked at each other. Luna put her hands in her pocket, pulled the keys up in the air and showed them to her. She was, without doubt, happier than she had ever been.

'I'm so happy for you.'

'Thanks. I cannot believe it, at last.' She paused for a moment.

'Thanks, for everything.......... I would have not come this far if it wasn't for you.'

'You had the will also, you managed to bloom into this responsible young woman. You have to move on now. Leave the past behind. It is time for you to start a new life.' She wrapped her arms around her, tears welled on their cheeks.

'Come with me. Mother Superior should have prepared the documents you need to sign. They walked towards her office and knocked on her door. They could hear someone inside. Luna sat down on one of the chairs in the corridor.

'I'll wait here for her.'

'I know that you haven't eaten anything yet, and it will be a long day.'

'I'll be fine really.'

She waited for twenty minutes. A couple came out of her office, it seemed that they were in the process of adopting a child.

'Come in,' a loud voice called.

She stood up, pulled her dress down and closed the door behind her. Mother superior pushed her spectacles towards her tiny eyes and looked at her intently.

'Please sit down. There was silence for a moment. Luna sat down and wiped her sweaty hands with her dress.

'You must be glad that this is your last day,' she said in a taunting voice.

She gave her a half smile and did not say anything. She put some papers in front of her to sign. Mother Superior took the papers again, and Luna was going to stand up, eager to leave.

'Wait. I have something for you.'

Mother Superior pulled a medium sized box from under her desk. What is she going to give me? She held it in her hands and put it on the desk.

'These are the clothes they found you in. I thought that you might want them, they belong to you.'

Luna's heart leapt to her throat. She did not know that they had been kept. Luna was speechless. She grabbed the box and held it close to her.

'Thanks very much for giving this to me.'

She looked straight into her eyes and removed the spectacles from her crooked nose.

'You had quite a tough journey, but you must not fear your future now.' She put her glasses on again and put her gaze on the papers in front of her.

'You may leave. God bless you.'

Luna thanked her once again and got out of the office. She hurriedly walked through the corridor, went up the stairs and straight to the dormitory. She put the box on the bed. Her heart was beating against her chest. She took a deep breath and with shaking fingers she carefully removed the lid. She stared at the fabric and touched it gently. She pulled it out of the box, it was a white tunic dress, made of the softest silk. Gold patterns were embroidered on it. Her eyes widened; she felt her mouth drop open by surprise. The patterns resembled the scars she had on her upper body. The dress collar was in a different material. Its pattern was different also, there were circles with flames coming out of them. As she looked closer to it, she noticed that it was a half crescent moon-face and a sun. She sat on the bed, held it tight to her chest and sobbed. 'Please God, please, help me find them. Help me remember.' She heard a clinging sound. Something must have fallen from beneath the fabric. Luna wiped her tears, her eyes searched on the floor. It was a metal hairpin. She held it in her trembling hands, trying to exam it. It resembled the symbol on the dress, but the moon was missing. The sun had small red gems instead of eyes. There was a knock on the door. Luna put everything in the box and walked towards the door, there was Sister Theresa.

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