Farewell to the Elf

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The two look to the stars and Tiko says "Astraeus, I think it's time I retire" Astraeus looks at him and he continues, "As a ranger, I would normally protect the forest I was assigned to but that job is no longer needed nowadays. The only reason my family continued this tradition was because my ancestor was the founder of the ranger corp, a group that has since dissolved. I planned to retire long ago when she was alive. When I returned from the war, I was sick of the fighting. Tired of being a pawn for a meaningless struggle. We had Riko, then I was going to go to my father's face and tell him I quit. Then, you know what happened next, at that point I was too deep in my emotions that I dragged my son to this forest only for him to die a fool's death."

He stops for a moment, "Nearly twenty years of a struggle against that thing. To tell you the truth Astraeus, the day you and I met, I was considering letting Ark finish the deed." Astraeus is silent, he doesn't know how to respond. Words form in his head but before he can try saying something, Tiko continues, "But you taught me so many things that I forgot about in my deluded struggles. I forgot what it meant to be a caretaker, I forgot what it was to live, I forgot about the things that I loved. They may be gone and I can never bring them back no matter how hard I try but you reminded me that even in despair there is light. I will continue to live so that I may never forget Riko and his mother, oh I don't think I ever told you her name."

Astraeus responds, "You never did, are you going to tell me now?" Tiko chuckles, "She had a beautiful name. Her name was Lyra and she made the most delicious baked goods in Kerasi. When we reach Bridgeford, I am going to take a carriage back to my home. Her bakery is still there, along with her recipe books. It has been closed ever since but I think I will spend my retirement learning how to bake like her so I can eat her pastries again." The boy playfully responds, "When I get there myself you better let me have a couple." Tiko says, "Of course, but you aren't getting anything for free. It's time to sleep now, we will be in the city tomorrow. So let us get one last final rest before we say our goodbyes." Astraeus sighs and goes to his tent.

Morning soon breaks and Astraeus wakes up to the smell of tea brewing. He gets out to see that Tiko has brewed one final batch for them. Tiko says, "I found some sugar leaf after you went to bed, so I thought it would be the right choice for our last cup together. Don't you think so?" Astraeus smiles, "It is perfect."

The two share one final cup of the tea together, talking about the future, what Astraeus will do once he reaches the city. Tiko says, " I know what I plan to do but what about you Astraeus, what will you do now?" Astraeus says confidently, "I've mulled over it for the last couple months we have been together and I think I know. I will be someone others can rely on just how you let me rely on you. But I don't know how I am going to do that."

Tiko puts his hand on Astraeus's shoulder and says, "I know exactly what you can become. A freelancer mercenary. They are people that someone can hire to do things like guard their caravans, retrieve lost items, and lots of other things... but the job isn't sunshine and rainbows. Not all mercenaries are heroes, some of them are just murderers looking for a reason to kill and get paid. But that's because anyone can be a mercenary, well they can take on the easy jobs." Astraeus asks, "What do you mean?" Tiko explains further, "The mercenary guild allows anyone to take low ranked jobs such as herb harvesting or anything that doesn't require a sword and shield. Even children can take on those jobs just as long as they have a guardian with them. But if you want to start taking hunting jobs like killing monsters or something you need to register with the guild." Astraeus looks afraid, "Wait monsters are real!?"
Tiko looks at Astraeus straight in the face and says, "Your granny was a terrible teacher... but I can see why she never told you. The forest surrounding your home and my cabin can't have any monsters in it because the place has never had a dungeon appear." Astraeus looks even more bewildered. Tiko stops in his tracks and just sighs, "If I ever make it to the afterlife, I'm giving your granny a piece of my mind kid. Dungeons are complicated concepts that we barely know that much about anyway. But to put it simply, when an area has an influx of mana, an entrance appears to a dungeon but these dungeons are simple at first and they start spawning creatures made of mana we call monsters and those monsters if they are small enough can leave their homes. Plus if a dungeon is left to simmer or is only discovered years later, the monsters grow in power. So if by chance one did appear here it would only bring out simple monsters like oozes or maybe a small group of weak goblins."

Tiko takes a breather and continues, "If one is given years and hell even decades to accumulate mana then it's possible the dungeon will start creating many terrifying creatures. Only one of these dungeons was ever found and that was centuries ago. That dungeon had a dragon inside of it." Astraeus asks excitingly, "Does that mean the people of the past got to slay a dragon like in the stories!?" Tiko then begins to explain in detail, "Well when it came to the dragon one, no one has even cleared it yet and it currently lays dormant on some mountain but the annoying thing is that when a dungeon is created it's there permanently." Before Astraeus can ask another question Tiko answers it before he even utters a word. He says, "If a dungeon is permanent then wouldn't that mean there would be a lot of dragon dungeons around? Not exactly, The monsters in the dungeon are made of mana so if they are allowed to live then the dungeon will keep growing. So the mercenary guild pays people to head to a dungeon and slay the monsters inside to prevent them from growing. One would think there would be loot or something inside a dungeon but in reality they are just holes that make monsters, dungeon was just the term given to easily identify them. Sadly, people overestimate themselves and underestimate dungeons so there is loot you can find but it's nothing but the belongings of those idiots. Though retrieving personal effects and returning it to next of kin is the honorable thing to do. When I did freelance work, I always made sure that if I found the remains of someone, I would find something like dog tags or anything that seemed personal and bring it back to the guild building so they can return it to the family of the lost one."

Astraeus looks proudly at Tiko, "I'll make sure to do that as well!" Tiko smiles while ruffling Astraeus's hair, "I know you will, you're my protege after all, kid. I'd wouldn't be surprised if you did that without me telling you. You are a kind kid after all, Astraeus." The boy looks proud and so does his mentor.

Hours would pass and the two would finally arrive at the first city of Astraeus's journey. They may have only known each other for over half a year but the two learned lifetimes of knowledge from each other.

Astraeus hugs Tiko while saying, "I'll always remember you Tiko." Tiko hugs him back with his one arm while jokingly saying, "Of course you will, who else taught you how to use a blade." The two separate and Tiko takes something out from his bag and hands it to Astraeus, he says "This is my old guild card, when you do eventually sign up give this to the receptionist and they will treat you right. My name holds weight in the guild so expect them to at the very least give you a free room." Astraeus takes the card and reads it, "Tiko, Ranger, Platinum Mercenary. Platinum?" Tiko then says, "I would tell you but the guild does a better job at explaining. Plus I can't be the one teaching you everything can I?" The two laugh and give each other a bittersweet farewell. Tiko hops onto a carriage and says, "Remember to come say hi if you ever reach Kerasi." Astraeus smiles deeply, "You better make sure I can find your bakery by just the smell alone. Take care Tiko." Tiko responds, "You too Astraeus. Don't lose yourself."

The carriage takes off and the two wave their final goodbye and Astraeus is now alone again.

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