22 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the final battle

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌗 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'For you, my dear, anything.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌗 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

Trapped in a haze, the Duke lies on a chair, muscles taut from the position. If anyone didn't believe he had any strength underneath his poetic eyes, then they were about to.

He manages to open his eyes, lying underneath the head of the bull, slumped over. 

His father's bull. 

Yet he cannot speak or even move.

The Baron sits at the head of the table across from him, wearing a Harkonnen uniform with military trim for his day of triumph. With a soft hum of contentment, he continues doing what he was doing.

Before him is laid a lavish dinner for one: a steaming roast, cheese and wine. He eats the roast directly with a fork and carving knife, breathing like a buffalo. Arrakis-born servants stand ready on either side, petrified, and Harkonnen guards stand with their backs to the walls.

The Duke is defiled. He will go out the same way he came into this world.


"You have a wonderful kitchen, cousin," Vladimir rumbles, slicing through the meat with ease.


Out on the dark, now greyish sands of Arrakis, Paul, (Y/N), and Jessica seek shelter underneath a stilltent they've built.

Dim light filters through the tent walls as the sky brightens outside, unknown to the three from their position overground. Sand hisses softly over the tent, and Paul grunts as he opens the fremkit.

He unravels a tiny note with a black diamond, looking up at his wife and mother. "This is Dr. Yueh's handwriting." His gaze flits down to the writing. "'If anyone makes it out of Arrakeen alive, there's an Atreides beacon in the fremkit. God willing, they'll be able to find you.'"


The doors to the dining room open, and soldiers step in with Dr. Yueh and Piter, with Leto wheezing weakly in his place.

"My lord Baron," Piter acknowledges, the family doctor taking a step forward. "Dr. Yueh."

"The traitor," Vladimir says, his voice echoing off the walls without raising a decibel. He doesn't even look up. "What do you want?"

"I jammed their comms," Dr. Yueh replies, "and lowered their shields."


"I delivered the Duke and his family."

"The bargain to the letter," Vladimir muses. "And what was I to do for you?"

"Deliver my wife from her agony," the doctor says, his expression calm but his voice hints at his anger towards the Harkonnens.

And rightfully so.

Something cracks in the Baron's back and he stands to his full height, hovering. "Yes."

Dr. Yueh's eyes widen at the sight of the flying man as he lands in front of him. He can't look him in the eye, even as he loudly chews. 

"I said I'd set her free. That you could join her." Vladimir lifts up the doctor by the scruff of his shirt. "So join her."

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