24 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ three little words

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌕 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'You don't find love, it finds you. It's got a little bit to do with destiny, fate, and what's written in the stars.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌕 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


With Jessica's arms tightly wrapped around me, I bury my head into Paul's hair, holding the back of his head as the three of us cry.

My heart swells at the affection, and yet it breaks the second my husband mumbles.

"My father is dead."

He quietly sobs as my fingers tangle in his hair, trying to provide comfort as I kiss his temple, my heart murmuring sweet nothings and lurching, desperately wishing to tell him that everything will be okay.

Because it will be. Eventually, it will be.

And I'll be there every step of the way.

Time passes and Jessica now lies asleep on the sand, looking somewhat peaceful. The dark tent is dimly lit by the glowtab. Scant beads of condensate from the tent wall and drip into a reclamation system, creating a red glow.

I watch as Paul keeps his gaze locked on the ring as I lean against him, my head resting on his shoulder with a sense of calm radiating.

He slides the ring onto his index finger. A perfect fit.

A soft chuckle slips as I glance up at him, leaning up to plant an affectionate and fluttering kiss on his cheek. His eyes widen a little, and he shifts to look at me, our eyes meeting and our faces inches from one another.

He swallows, and I do the same, glancing at his lips. He leans in, our foreheads pressing together, and just when I think I might get a kiss, his voice breaks the silence.

He mumbles, saying something I can't understand before I hear, "Go to sleep..."

"What?" I murmur, trying not to melt at his sleep-ridden, tired voice.

"My love," he mumbles again, "sleep..."

My heart stops momentarily. 

My love?

"What did you call me?" I whisper, pulling away to look him in the eye, to which he smiles.

Not a bitter smile like the one he gave his mom, or the half-smiles I got the first days as his wife. No, this is a genuine, small smile, filled with affection.

"My love." He repeats once more, taking my face in his hands, to which my breath catches, and all I can do is whisper his name.


My eyelids flutter shut, and I try not to show any bit of emotion towards the kiss.

"(Y/N)." The way my name rolls off his tongue sends shivers down my spine. It's the same voice I've heard  in my visions.

No wonder I fell for him.

"The woman of my dreams," he murmurs, and I smile, opening my eyes as we gaze at one another.

"The man of mine."

He smiles, toying with me by leaning in, inches from my lips, close enough to feel his breath. "I never thought I'd be married..."

"No?" I murmur. "Do you like it?"

His nose brushes against mine. "I could get used to it." He teases me again, fanning his breath over my lips, causing me to grin. "Get used to you..."

"I'm decent." I muse, causing a wry chuckle to escape his lips.

He pauses after a moment, leaning in a centimeter more. Our eyes meet once more, and his fingers find the nape of my neck. In a gentle movement, he guides my head to mesh our lips in a perfect kiss. 

Soft, gentle, and as loving as it gets. I kiss back, feeling the signet ring brush against the base of my hairline, and my hand moves to his waist, leaning in.

The kiss doesn't break, only bringing a sense of peace besides the small sounds.

"I love you," he whispers, and the kiss deepens slightly, my hands starting to shake as I tighten my grip.

He's strong, and it's somewhat startling how he situates me in his lap; his kisses are chaste, yet he kisses me like he's just found me again.

Like we're reuniting.

One of his hands roams my back, and I lean in further, craving his touch in the most intimate way possible.

Is this love? Real love

Intimacy without sheer passion, and love without lust?

Paul's fingers brush my hairline, bringing a shiver up my spine, to which he dips down to kiss my jaw, down to my neck. His touch is so gentle and sweet, yet it hides the undertone of love.

Of passion.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers in my ear, causing me to bite my lip as he kisses my cheek. His mouth meets mine again, and I sigh, smiling against his lips.

"I love you too," I murmur after a moment, and he slowly pulls away, looking into my eyes.

It's like the words just now hit him, and I watch Paul's gaze morph from shock into affection. He presses his forehead to mine, leaving a gentle peck on my lips.

"Till death do us part," he whispers, a deep gentleness in his tone. It's sweet, kind, and everything in between.


"Till death do us part." I affirm, leaning in to kiss my husband again, but just as our lips brush, something breaks the silence.

A subtle beeping. Like a tracker.

Which could only mean one thing.


I'm fangirling so hard right now. Four chapters in a day. Five, if you count the overture.



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